Chapter 51 Minds Made Up

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Abby and Jackson massed produce the Night blood serum as much as the lab can create. Everyone packs the viles into cases. Abby had everyone in the lab inject themselves before preparing for their trek back to Polis, where everyone including Arkadia would be there for distribution.

"We might not have enough some people may still need to go into the bunker." Abby says looking at the cases.
"Well this should be enough to distribute throughout the clans and your people, any remainder will go into the bunker if they want to survive." Roan says carrying the last of the cases.
"Do you think even with the Night blood serum we will be okay when Praimfaya hits? What about shelter, just in case? Not everyone will fit in the bunker." Emori says grabbing equipment.
"We will have to figure that out after distributing the serum." Bellamy says walking out with Clarke at his heels.

"I got it!"
"You sure it's heavy?" Raven smirks at Murphy as he pulls equipment down stumbling by the sudden weight then regaining his footing.
"This is why they left us behind to scavenge tech?" Emori asks looking at Murphy.
"Hey, we talked about this, we didn't get left behind."
"Forgive me if I don't believe what your people say anymore."
"Murphy is actually right. Don't worry they might ditch him but I'm too awesome to leave behind."

Systems online.

Raven turns her head looking towards the rocket.

"You don't hear that?"
"Emori, get the seizure kit now, Abby left it in the office." Murphy says looking at Raven.
"No, no it's okay. It's okay, I'm fine." Murphy looks at Raven sternly before turning around to help Emori bring the equipment out.
"If she can't use her brain, why do they still need her?" Murphy looks at Emori before glaring. Yeah, Raven was a pain in his ass but he couldn't bear for her to be left behind or hurt. He came to liking her as a person maybe a sister per se.

Raven turns to look back at the ship as she opens the door, surprised to see Becca sitting in the rocket.

"Hi, Raven."
"You can tell me it's none of my business but why live in a hole in the ground or a shelter? Where you have a perfectly good rocket?" Raven touches her nose feeling liquid dripping down, black blood on her fingertips. She quickly climbs into the rocket sitting down. She starts to seize on the chair foam dripping from her mouth.

"You know this is dumb right?" Octavia says digging the hoe into the ground. "We'll probably be dead if anything grows."
"Well it survived Praimfaya once and it will again." Lincoln says sprinkling down seeds. "We do this for those who come after us." Octavia stops sniffing the air as she slightly turns her head to the side. Lincoln follows her gaze seeing a woman and two men with her. "Onkora. Chomouda yu komba raun?" (Ankara. What brings you here?) Lincoln asks walking up to the woman.
"Wor. Trikru ste as klin omo bakon na sis au na ban Azgeda we kom Polis." (War. Trikru is calling on their allies for help pushing Azgeda out of Polis.) Ankara looks over Lincoln's shoulder before glancing back up at him. "Ai nomon's sen op oso mou beda gona gon Polis." (My mother's sending our best warriors to Polis.)
"Ai bilaik woda op, floudon daun raun hir. Yu nomon na get em in." (I've got my hands full here. Your mother will understand.)
"Yu kru gaf yu in, Lincoln. Yu brana lukot hir na ai op ponis-de." (Your clan needs you, Lincoln. Your new friend here can mind the farm.) "Pas taim yu don tich em ha na twis graun-de op." (After you've taught her how to turn the Earth.)
"Yu gada ai seiso in." (You've got my answer.)
"Yu nomon don gaf in bilaik yu na throu daun, nami?" (You mother would want you to fight.)
"Ban au kom ai tof, Onkora." (Get off my land, Ankara.) Ankara and the two men leave not before glancing back.

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