Chapter 21 I Knew You Would

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"Clarke! Clarke! Fuck! Clarke, wake up!" Octavia yelled shaking the convulsing Clarke. She started to heat up to Octavia's touch. Her shaking was uncontrollable, Clarke foaming at the mouth. "Finn, grab her mom now!" Finn rushes out bringing Abby back just as quick.
"What happened?" Abby asked pressing a container against her neck stopping the convulsions.
"I don't know out of nowhere she started screaming bloody murder, shaking, foaming at the mouth, and burning up."
"What on Earth is going on?"

After Clarke screamed in Bellamy's mind's eye it was silence. Bellamy started to get worried turning through every corridor trying to find Jasper and Maya. He wanted to get back to Clarke as soon as possible. He'd be damn if he wasn't going to save her.


Bellamy was being dragged into a dark corridor as he came to he was stripped of his clothing once again a shackle around his neck.

"Ahhhhh!" The people were spraying him down and scrubbing him with a brush. They forced a pill down his throat as he was shaking he could feel heat rising within him. They shot him with strange liquids, his screams echoing off the walls. He looked up to see a quarantine sign in front of him. What is he to do now that he was caught? How was he going to get out of this? He needed to find a way out. He thought before he blacked out.

"Not again!" Octavia shouted. Clarke was shaking screaming in pain. She started choking on something that wasn't even there.

No... Bellamy...

"See this is what happens when you try to wake back up. This will only continue once you're awake."

"Bellamy needs me, they're hurting him. I could see the people shackling him up, spraying him down, injecting things in him, and making him swallow this pill. I need to rescue him. If me suffering when I'm awake helps me help him then I don't care."

"You're foolish. Why would you suffer through so much pain for one person?"

"He's not just one person he's important to me as I am important to him!"

"I will not help you wake up; you're making a big mistake. Just let me take over and you won't have to suffer, you won't have to have any more responsibilities."

"No, I will not let you stop me I will wake up and I will bring him back to me."

Clarke sees a white wolf in the distance in the dark abyss. Oddly she felt a calm wash over her as she followed the beautiful wolf.

"Where are you taking me?"

The wolf didn't say anything but looked directly into her eyes. The eyes were glowing green; she felt the familiarity as she continued to follow the wolf. A small white light started seeping through the dark as the wolf looked at her once again. Clarke knew once she looked back into the eyes of the wolf, it was like it was telling her it's okay to trust it and it would not harm her. Clarke knelt down placing a hand through the wolf's fur. The wolf suddenly disappeared as Clarke jolted up awake.

"Clarke?" Clarke looked around the room in confusion as her eyes settled on Octavia. She looked at the brunette and pulled her into an embrace. "Thank God!" Octavia sobbed.
"Your brother is in trouble we need to hurry."
"What? How do you know?"
"Just trust me okay?" Octavia nodded.

Clarke stepped outside everyone looking at her weirdly. She grabbed a horse, a bow and arrow, and rode out with Octavia right behind her.

"Where are we going?"
"To gather Intel." Clarke stopped abruptly aiming the bow downwards.

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