Chapter 29 Collation

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"Clarke, are you okay did he hurt you? I swear to God if he did I will-"

"He didn't' hurt me, but I'm in Polis."

"Polis? Why?"


"What? Are you serious? She's not hurting you, is she? I swear to God if she did I will-"

"Bellamy, she's not hurting me. She had Roan, the grounder prince of Ice Nation capture me and take me to her. She didn't want me in the hands of Ice Nation."

"So she could have you? No way in hell, I'm coming for you."

"Apparently there's another war coming and she needs me. I can't believe she has the audacity to ask me for help."

"I'll get a group to come get you."

"Wait for now I want to find out more information and see if it'll benefit us."

"You can't be serious... She turned her backs on us, you saw it. Come on now, you need to be with your people, your pack, with me."

"I know and I will but trust me when I say this, we need the information at least more about Ice Nation. I don't want them attacking our people just when we're building our community."

"You know I trust you I just don't like the fact you are there alone. I don't care what you say I at least want a group of us there in case you need back up." Clarke sighs but smiles.

"When did you become so stubborn?"

"I learned from the best." Clarke rolls her eyes.

"I will talk to you later, I smell Lexa coming."

"Be safe and I'm coming for you."



Clarke turns around seeing Lexa walk in.

"What does, 'I don't want to see you is unclear?'"
"I respected your wishes for a week Clarke. I even left you alone when you turned."
"Yeah you locked me up in this room."
"I couldn't have you attacking my people. We have bigger concerns." Clarke shakes her head.
"WE don't have any concerns at all."
"Yes, we do, I'm hosting a summit with Skaikru at sun down. You will be returned to your people."
"You went to all that trouble to capture me just to let me go?"
"I went to all that trouble to save you."
"You know when I could use saving? When you abandoned me at Mount Weather."
"Clearly you didn't need my help."
"Clearly, I had to kill almost half of those people who didn't deserve it. WE could have saved more than just half."
"You're angry Clarke, but I know you. What you've done haunts you and it's easier to hate me than hate yourself."
"Oh, I can do both."
"What would you have done, if they had offered you the deal?"
"I wouldn't have taken the deal I would have kept my promise and the alliance."
"It helps no one to dwell on the past and it's not why I'm here. You're right I'm not just letting you go to your people, I want something more." Clarke scoffs. "I want your people, including the people from Mount Weather to become my people." Clarke looks at Lexa hard letting her continue. "I'm offering the chance to join my collation, become the 13th clan. No one would dare to move against you because that would be moving against me."
"Leave me alone. I'm done. Do you understand that?"
"You can't run away from who you are, Clarke. You are the alpha of your pack and the leader of not just werewolves but vampires and humans, those people respect you."
"I know why you're here. I made you look weak at Mount Weather and now the Ice Nation is exploiting that. Well if you want the power of Wanheda, kill me. Take it. Otherwise go float yourself because I would never bow to you." Lexa turns to leave Clarke with her thoughts.

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