Chapter 27 Wanheda

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Containment door sealed.

Murphy runs for the door hearing a voice echo in the lighthouse.

Bang! Bang!

Murphy pounds on the door trying to move it.

"Chris? Chris?" Murphy runs back down hearing more voices. "Chris!"
"I knew it, the news was wrong. The stupid son of a bitch let Allie out. The radiation is coming, unless we want to share this place with a corpse we got to get him outside."

"Hello, Becca."
"Who did this?"
"I did." Becca waves her hand across the hologram. "As you know I didn't think I need an avatar, but what better than the person who created me. Well, you didn't exactly create me, but I couldn't resist."
"Allie this isn't funny where are you really?"
"That is not important my body is recuperating so I figured this hologram would suffice. I still have all my abilities but with your technology I can let my body recover."
"When I found you, you said you would help humanity."
"Correct, and I will. I have lived many centuries and by far your technology has helped me understand many things."
"Please stay your core command."
"My core command is to make life better."
"How would you do that?"
"By fixing the root problem."
"What is the root problem, Allie?"
"Too many people." Allie says quirking an eyebrow.
"Too many people? Who are you to play God?"
"I'm not God, but I can offer more. Why do you people craze the love of a God who refuses to help his creations survive a dying planet?"
"What are you talking about?"
"Becca... you let me out for a reason so let me save the planet."
"What can a witch do, that technology can't help us."
"There is so much more that you don't know and quite frankly I don't feel the need to share. Like I said too many people."

"Well you took care of that didn't you?" Murphy exhales throwing a heavy object at the screen.

"It is 86 days; I'm on my last box of food, so... I really didn't think I'd miss the Ark this much. Either way, Jaha if you're seeing this and I mean you are not dead then... SCREW YOU!" Murphy shuts the video camera sighing into his knees. He grabs the gun and points it at his chin ready to pull the trigger. "Ugh!" He drops the gun grabbing behind his head.


Containment door released.

Murphy looks towards the noise rushing for the door. He looks at the door and pushes forward walking into the bright day. A drone flies over his head and hovers before darting in a different direction. He chases after it.

"Wait!" He runs through the forest tripping over tree roots before clambering back up chasing the drone. He huffs out of breathe as he reaches the top of the hill seeing a mansion like building in the distance. He walks through the doors falling to the ground.
"There you are. Welcome." Murphy looks up seeing Jaha walking towards him. "There's so little time. I found it John; the City of Light is real." Murphy looks at him glaring.
"You left me there!" Murphy swings as he collapses in Jaha's arms passing out. Jaha swings his arm over his head scooping up his legs carrying Murphy into a room.

Bellamy raises his fists sparing against Lincoln in the Ark. Bellamy swings, Lincoln blocks then jabs. Bellamy dodges and swings left, Lincoln pushing his hand back and hitting Bellamy in the gut. Bellamy huffs swing right landing a blow into Lincoln's side.

"Bellamy it's time." Bellamy stops and walks over to a bench grabbing his shirt and pulling it over his head.
"Harper, give Lincoln the bag." Harper tosses a duffle bag at Lincoln. "Council wants you to have it." Lincoln pulls out a guard jacket.
"I'm Trikru."
"Where you're from doesn't change that. On the Ark this uniform meant something different. Down here it means what we make it mean, together. The delinquents look at their alpha with gratitude and admiration. "Now pair up and continue training."

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