Chapter 40 The Fire Burns

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"Do you think they will help us? Luna seemed pretty adamant

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"Do you think they will help us? Luna seemed pretty adamant." Octavia says standing next to Clarke and her brother.
"Octavia's right, we're not sure if they even knowing anything about the A.I. let alone help. Did you see her face? She didn't even know what the flame looked like." Bellamy said looking at the two girls.
"Then why did Titus tell us to go here I wonder." Clarke mumbled.
"Who knows maybe he was scared and wanted to hide, this place seems pretty remote let alone we have no idea how we got here. Or he wanted to protect his precious Heda..." Octavia grumbled.
"We have no choice but to try, we've come this far." Clarke sighs toying with the tin encasing.

"I can't believe how many people Allie has now..." Raven says looking over the various numbers, letters, and symbols scrolling before her. "You see this cluster, it's a building, but all this... these are minds." Raven points to the multiple screens before her and Monty.

Sinclair and the rest went around Arkadia to secure the place as best as they can while Raven and Monty try to find anything they could use against Allie.

"It's full of them, thousands; we can even see Polis minds. Allie's army is growing, the longer we wait to go in the stronger she gets."
"Go in?" Monty turns towards Raven looking at her expectantly. "We have one shot at this... is there a kill code in that book you didn't tell me about?" Raven shakes her head. "Then we stick with the plan, Clarke and the gang finds out a way to access the kill code with someone who understands the technology, the A.I. then gives us said kill code, we enter it here giving us the one shot, and Bob's your uncle."
"I hate that expression." Monty clasps his hands together up to his mouth looking at Raven pleadingly. She rolls her eyes turning back around to the key board.

"Hey guys how's everything going?" Harper asks walking up to the two.
"Still looking, still coming up with nothing." Raven says nonchalantly typing away.
"What's up, Harper?"
"Do you want to help me check the air lock?"
"You should go." Monty gives a pointed look at Raven.
"I promise I won't do anything until you get back." She huffs not bothering to turn to look at him.
"Okay, then." Monty follows after Harper.

"Aren't we going to the air lock?" Monty asks noticing Harper stopping in her tracks.
"Already sealed."
"Are you okay?" He looks at her concerned.
"I'm fine." She says nervously. "I was thinking, it's been two days with no one trying to kill us."
"It won't last."
"I know, but are we supposed to spend the time between attacks dreading the next one?"
"Not like we have much of a choice." Monty shrugs.
"Well maybe we do..." Harper walks slowly up to Monty looking sheepishly into his eyes. She gently kisses his lips, fire igniting in one another, melting to the touch, Monty pulls away looking at Harper.
"Are you? Are you still you?" Monty whispers, fighting the urge of attaching himself back to her lips.
"I'm still me." She smiles gently.

My God! She's... we're... I wonder if this is how Bellamy and Clarke felt... Okay scratch that they practically almost ripped each other apart before realizing they were mates. But... Harper...

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