Chapter 36 Sacrifice of A Warrior Part 2

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I could feel myself falling, the darkness surrounding me

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I could feel myself falling, the darkness surrounding me. This was it, the last time I would see them. I would see him.

Darkness swallowed her up, nothing around her, she could feel nothing. Was this death? She thought you would see your life flash before her eyes, but nothing. She felt like she did before, she knew it, it was the Abyss. She tried to focus her eyes nothing to been seen, heard, or felt as she got up. She walked endlessly going nowhere. She stops sitting on the ground. Was she in purgatory? Dead, to roam the empty black? It was pointless for her to keep roaming where she had no idea where she was going or where to go.

"Was it worth it?" A voice called out.
"Yes, it was." She tried to retrace where she knew that voice it was oddly familiar.
"Are you sure? You left so many behind, you left him behind."
"I know but he is strong he can lead them in ways I cannot."
"That's not true."
"But it is he will keep them alive."
"You've helped him keep them alive."
"What because I can see partially into the future? What a load of crap when I couldn't save myself."
"Clarke, don't be too hard on yourself, you did what you have to for your people, for him."
"Well, now he doesn't have me as a distraction."
"Distraction?" Clarke hears a chuckle. "Do you know how much stronger you make him? How much stronger he makes you? Love is not weakness it is strength and I've told you before you two are special."
"Told me before? Is that you Eos?"
"No, but I have told Eos to tell you that."
"Yes, my dear."
"I'm sorry that I'm dead you now have to wait for another descendant to be born to find a new host."
"I am not dead and neither are you."
"What how can that be possible? Pike shot me through my skull. I heard Octavia cry out... Octavia... She will hate me forever."
"No, she won't and neither will he."

Miller and Harper walk into the entrance of the cave as Finn stands up looking at them. Bryan walks up behind them followed by Kane and a somber looking Octavia. Bellamy looks at everyone and he can tell something's wrong.

"Where's Clarke?" Bellamy asks his sister.
"Pike put a bullet through her brain." Bellamy and Finn freezes.
"What?" Bellamy's eyes turn silver as he looks at Finn. He growls lowly making everyone in the cave shiver.
"Octavia... I am so sorry-" Octavia launches herself onto Finn connecting her fist to his face.
"Octavia that's enough." Bellamy says trying to pry her off of Finn, much to his disliking. He knew she shouldn't take her anger out on him as much as he wanted to do the same.
"Bellamy, stay out of this." Finn grunts. Bellamy let's go walking over to the wall as everyone could hear or see her hits echoing off the walls.

She slams her fist against his face again and again. Kane turns around trying to give her space and let out her frustration. Miller, Bryan, and Harper looked down not wanting to see Finn get punched. Sinclair, Lincoln, Wick, and Murphy cringed to each sound they heard. She knees him in the chin forcing his face up, she grabs him by the jacket punching his gut.

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