Chapter 14 Should Have Thought This Through

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"I'm going to get you out of here." Clarke says looking at the lock on Anya's cage.

Anya just weakly nods as Clarke looks for something to break the lock. Clarke pulls on a metal rod on the wall ripping it out. She breaks open the pad lock only to jump into the cage with Anya. The door swings open as the doctor from quarantine looks at the hanging grounders. She starts looking through the cages and Clarke spots the lock on the floor, mentally cursing at herself. Luckily, the other grounders start reaching out for the doctor freaking her out as she leaves. Clarke lets a breath out, the one she didn't know she was holding until the door closed. She jumps out lifting Anya up and slinging her arm over her shoulder. Clarke reaches for a door handle reading 'End Containment Area.' They walk into a small room as the doors close behind them.

Shit. Shit. Shit. This can't be happening... this seriously can't be happening right now. Why the hell did these doors just close? I need to pry it open.

Clarke tries to push he fingers in between doors, thinking that it could somehow magically open, but it doesn't. She looks back at Anya shaking her head.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

"What is that?" Anya questions as Clarke steps backwards, flashing yellow lights and beeping continuously go off. Clarke turns to Anya.
"I don-" The floor underneath them drops as the slide down a chute into a cart. They both groan from the impact looking at their surroundings. Clarke scrambles up trying to get out as Anya is so stunned looking at the bodies of her fellow people. "Anya! Take my hand!" Clarke reaches out to Anya grabbing it, they both jump out looking down the long tunnels.
"Someone's coming."
"Not just someone, reapers." Clarke looks at Anya as she tries to grab a large rock. "Anya, you can't fight them, you can hardly stand." Clarke pulls her away. "Come on." Clarke helps her into another cart grabbing clothes on the ground before hopping in. She motions Anya not to move, reapers coming in closer. Bodies are soon dropped on top of them before the cart starts moving. They looked at each other, silently trying to figure out what to do.

They finally come to a stop as a few bodies are pulled from the cart. Clarke soon peaks her head out seeing the reapers pull apart the skeletal grounder.

"Come on we got to go."
"Yu gonplei ste odon."(Your fight is over) Anya says before snapping the neck of one of her people. She looks at Clarke as they jump out with the clothes and head down a tunnel.

"You're going after the reapers. Lincoln taught me how to fight, let me help." Indra stares her down with no emotion whatsoever.
"Kill her."

God damn it. I should have known. I just had hoped that maybe... damn it! Really?!

Octavia starts running pulling her away from her thoughts. Grounder following close behind, after losing sight of Octavia the grounders head back to rejoin Indra.

"Tomac is wounded, Artigas is just a boy-"
"They took my father. I can fight."
"Can you fight a reaper?"
"Stop!" Indra yells. "We strike when it shadows, when they stop to feed on the bait."
"So I am the bait?" Artigas asks.
"No, you are a warrior. She's the bait." Indra stands looking at the trees as Octavia rises from hiding. Octavia walks up putting her hands up.
"I am not afraid."
"You will be." Indra stares her down.

Octavia slows her breath as she hears footsteps drawing closer. She jumps up and goes to swing her sword as a spear flies into the chest of a reaper. Arrows start flying as Octavia charges a reaper swinging her sword effortlessly. Artigas shoots an arrow into the reaper that's has over powered Octavia as Indra goes for another. The reaper knocks her down about to give a finishing blow, when Octavia slices his back turning towards her then slicing his throat.

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