Chapter 34 Let's Play the Game

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Clarke turned around seeing the 12 clan within the forest her eyes covered in a white glaze

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Clarke turned around seeing the 12 clan within the forest her eyes covered in a white glaze.

"Clarke?" Bellamy places a hand on her shoulder.
"Miller, Harper, give me your jackets." Clarke says blinking out of her trance.
"What did you see?"
"Lexa's kill order was in effect and two grounder riders threw two heads down with Arkadia jackets, Pike and Finn met the riders at the gates. The grounders told them about the terms and conditions and Finn shot the two grounders. We cannot let Finn rile the grounders up."
"What should we do?"
"Lexa, come in Lexa."
"Clarke? What is it?"
"Can I have full cooperation from the 12 clans?"
"What's the plan?"
"I need them to play along; I want Arkadia to think that the kill order is in effect."
"I see so they won't try anything against the armies."
"Yes." Clarke riders out with Bellamy by her side discussing with the 12 armies. "The plan is to threat and scare, not kill if need be. You can protect yourselves otherwise there will come no harm to the people of Arkadia!" Clarke announces.

"Now that's what I call respect." Bellamy nudges her.
"I think it's more they fear Lexa but I'm okay thinking about that too." Clarke chuckles. "I will ride out in front of camp and present them the terms."
"Why does it have to be you?"
"I'm not letting anyone risk their lives just in case Finn is trigger happy."
"Then I'm coming with you."
"No, I need you here we can't have both alphas there if anything happens."
"Bell, Clarke's right. If something does happen we need you here."
"No, O I don't like the idea her being there alone."
"She won't." Bellamy turns his head to face Murphy. "What? I don't like the idea of her going alone as much as you do. It's the least I could do."
"Fine!" Bellamy grumbles. "But the first sign of anything you get her the hell out of there."
"Roger that, your highness." Murphy swoops his arm bowing as Bellamy rolls his eyes.
"Be safe." Bellamy places a chaste kiss on Clarke's lips.
"I will." She smirks as Murphy and her put on grounder clothes and trot up to Arkadia gates.

"This might hurt, Murphy."
"I know."
"And you still wanted to come?"
"What and let you have all the fun?"
"He may shoot both of us."
"Yeah, I know."
"It will hurt."
"I know."
"It's not too late to turn back."
"I know." Clarke side glances and Murphy warily. "Look, Clarke, I trust you and that's saying a lot I don't trust a lot of people. So I'm not going to let you do this alone plus, if I didn't say anything Bellamy would keep bickering with you until one of you caved in." Clarke chuckles before looking ahead, passing the barricades and the bodies.

"What are they doing?" Pike asks moving his gaze from the binoculars.
"They brought a message." Finn says seeing two riders heading for the gates. "I've seen this before." Finn climbs down the tower. "Open the gate."
"Do what he says." Pike's voice echoes behind Finn.

"Come with us and we walk away." Murphy says lowly disguising his voice.
"Walk away, from what?"
"By the order of the Commander you have been surrounded by an army of the 12 clans. If you do not give up your leader, you will all take a long time to die." Clarke says as Pike starts backing up.
"Finn, fall back, that's an order. Finn, Finn!" Pike yells, Finn glaring at the two.
"Choose the side that's best for your people." Murphy says staring down at Finn.
"I do that every day."

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