Chapter 31 History Repeats Itself

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History tends to repeat itself however; sometimes it may not always be what it seems

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History tends to repeat itself however; sometimes it may not always be what it seems. Sometimes throughout history the stories change, sometimes the people change, but in the end history does indeed repeat itself.

Astraeus the god of dusk was the cause of the stars in the sky. He lived for his sister Eos goddess of dawn. All he wanted was to protect his sister whatever it took, nothing stood in the way of his family. However, some decisions he made were quite questionable leaving Eos seeking help from Selene.

Eos loved her brother but could not accept his actions; the fallen angel Apollyon was plaguing his mind. Apollyon the Destroyer became the goddess of death and plague. Eos had, had enough of Apollyon she was losing her brother, the goddess of death thrived on chaos and war and yet they were here again on Earth waging another war and her brother was a part of it.

"Don't, just don't. I saw what you and Apollyon did to Athena's army! Astraios, you killed everyone!"
"Keep your voice down."
"What's wrong? You're not proud of massacring an army that was here to help us?"
"We're not doing this here."
"Good. Then let's go because I'm not even close to done." Eos motions her head to the side as Astraios takes Eos to his quarters. Eos tries to shrug off his hold on her arm as he grips her tighter; she pushes him briskly walking forward. Astraios follows his sister into his room looking down; he stops in surprise frozen where he stood. "Now I'm done." Astraios looks at his sister then back at the being in front of him holding his breath. Eos walks out of the room closing the door behind, sneaking out of the golden walls.

"What are you doing here, Selene?"
"We need to talk."
"Oh, you've decided that."
"Xaphan is dead, the problem was solved and then you let Apollyon ruin everything."
"Why are you here, Selene?" Astraios says walking in front of her his breath grazing her lips.
"Our people need to make things right, or Athena and the rest of her army will wipe us out."
"Let her try." Selene tilts her head to the side raising an eyebrow.
"Please tell me that going to war is not what you want."
"We've been at war since arriving on Earth." He looks at her with mixed emotions. "At least Apollyon understands that." Selene's eyes go wide.
"Apollyon is the problem! This is not who you are!"
"You're wrong; this is who I've always been." His silver eyes voided of emotion looking through Selene like she wasn't even there. "And I let you and Eos, convince me that we could trust Athena and her people when they have shown over and over who they are! And I won't let anyone else die for that mistake!" Selene's green eyes start burning with fire shaking her head.
"Astraios, I need you and we don't have much time."
"You need me?"
"Yes, I do! I need the guy who wouldn't let me kill all those people in Tartars by myself."
"You left me. You left everyone!"
"Enough!" Selene jumps as he raises his voice. "Selene, you are not in charge here and that's a good thing because people die when you are in charge." Selene furrows her eyebrows just staring at him blankly. "You almost got my sister killed, and then you made a deal with Athena who left us at Tartars to die and forced us to kill everyone who helped us! People who trusted me!"
"I-I'm sorry..." Selene tries to put on a brave face but Astriaos' words cut right through her. "I'm sorry for leaving. I knew I could because they had you." He looks at her in disbelief as she sits down with her head in her hands shaking. His eyes soften for a brief moment before he crouches down to look at her. "I know we can fix this."
"I'm sorry too." He cups her face with one of his hands, his thumb stroking her cheek. She leans into his touch as she places her hand on top of his. He pulls her gently into a soft chaste kiss; she could feel herself melt into him as she deepens the kiss.
"Hey." She says pulling away abruptly her other hand chained to the table. He stands up and starts to walk away. "No, don't, no. Astraios, no!" Selene tries to pull free the golden chain keeping her in place; her strength had no power over it. Selene sobbed watching Astraios' retreating back.

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