Chapter 25 Clarke's Plan

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Clarke stops in her tracks her vision gets cloudy as she whines.

"Clarke, what is it?"

"I need to get a hold of Bellamy."

"Why what's wrong?"

"Nothing good, if I can't stop this next chain of events."


"Clarke? What's up I'm a little busy squeezing my ass through these vents." He chuckles.

"You have to listen to me and do what I say."

"Everything okay? You're starting to worry me."

"I need you to get to Dante and if he truly wants to save his people he will listen to you."

"Okay, what do you need me to do?"

Clarke starts explaining what he needs to do before letting out the grounders without giving too much information that may lead back to the first outcome.

Bellamy finally crawls back to the area where the grounders are held captive, cautiously looking around for any intruders besides himself. Bellamy spots Echo in the cage as he grabs the keys out of his pocket, unlocking her cage.

"Get up it's time to go." Echo looks over at Bellamy exhausted. "I'd told you I'd come back for you, now come on." He says helping her out. "There's an army marching on Mount Weather, right now." The other grounders start making noise in their cages wanting to get out.
"Taim yu gaf ge breik au, taim yu shof op!" (If you want to be free, be quiet!) Echo yells as all the grounders go silent.

"My fellow citizens this is your president speaking. I have news to share with you that will change all of our lives, forever. For 97 years Mount Weather has been our home. The five criminals that radiated level 5 killing fifteen of our people are now keeping us from that dream. Although, we prepared our home, we can never replace the lives that were so viciously taken from us. Yet, as hard as it is to believe, there are those among us that would help the people who did this, and I am speaking to you now. If you truly wanted to end the blood treatments once and for all, then the five murders you now are hiding are the key to doing that. You have one hour to turn them in without punishment, after that we are forced to consider you guys' enemies of the state. I'm asking you, please, help our people so we can all take our rightful place on the ground. We're almost home," Cage stops his speech as he looks up at the monitors seeing the army reaching the doors.

"Wait! Where are you going?" Echo asks grabbing Bellamy's arm.
"He's trying to get his people to turn on each other, they'll find my friends. I have to bring them here now! I'll send them here; you get your people ready to go. Wait for me to come back, do you understand?" She nods as Bellamy starts rushing for the vent.
"Wait!" She grabs his arm once again. "Thank you."
"You free your people, protect them and protect mine when they get here. We can thank each other once we're outside." Bellamy scurries through the vent hoping Clarke's plan will work.

"What are they doing?"
"Preparing to attack, they're too close for our missiles sir. Without the veil, there's nothing we can do from the inside. Sir the longer we wait-"
"They came looking for a fight Emerson, doesn't mean we have to give them one. As long as we're behind the doors, they can't touch us. What about the intruder?"
"He's still at large sir." Emerson says not looking at Cage. "We're doing everything we can." Cage throws papers at Emerson, Emerson flinching.
"Five! Go door to door, find them!"

Dante sighs, his thoughts traveling back to Clarke. Why would she help his people? What was in it for her? As much as he wanted to keep them safe in the bunker, he knew he had to trust Clarke.

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