Chapter 24 Bellamy to the Rescue

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"I hope there is a sign showing we're not marching to our deaths..."
"We're not." Jaha comments as he continues to walk forward in the cold dark desert.
"Hey, tell me if you know this one?"
"Not again please..." Murphy grumbles.
"A grounder and a reaper walk into a bar. Bartender looks at the grounder and says we don't serve your kind around here, the reaper gets up and leaves." Everyone keeps walking ignoring him as they continue you walking. "Get it? Reapers eat grounders."
"I will take Jaha's staff and beat you to death with it." Murphy looks over to the guy he chose not to remember his name.
"Oh, what about this one? An Arker, a grounder, and a mountain man walk into a bar. Arker says I'll take some moonshine, the grounder says he'll take some too and the mountain man... haha he says..."


The man blows up, everyone being forced to the ground from the blast. Murphy starts to have ringing in his ears as he tries to regain his bearings. Pieces of the guy start falling to the ground as one of the girls in the group starts backing away on the ground.


Murphy turns around shocked holding his left ear, the sound almost unbearable to his highly sensitive hearing.

"No one moves!" Jaha yells. "We're in the middle of a mine field." Everyone freezes frantically looking around.

Everyone sits crouched down as a sandstorm passes over, dawn soon breaks, covering all the tracks that have been made.

"Great! We survive the sandstorm but all of our tracks are gone! Do we even know which way we were going?" A guy yells.
"Look you idiot!" Murphy says looking up at the shining glow over a sand dune, arrays of different colored lights waving in the distance.
"The City of Lights." Jaha says in awe.
"Emori was right."
"We are so close, you wanted a sign? It's right there. We have to push forward."
"Uh, what about the mines?" Murphy says looking around at the ground.
"Have faith, we were meant to be here, John. These mines are just another test of our faith."
"Yeah, well I was always crap at tests and you know I'd like to keep my limbs, so by all means after you, Chancellor."

Jaha slowly tests the ground with his staff pushing around the sand to find any hidden mines. Murphy and two others follow his trail and steps where he had stepped.

"I can't do this anymore."
"Calm down Richards. What do you think it is anyway?" Murphy yells towards Jaha. "They must have power; a shower would be nice right about now. Wash off the rest of Harris." Murphy rambles finally remember the guy's name that blew up.
"It's a place where everyone is welcomed." Murphy smirks at Jaha's unrelenting faith.
"That would be a first."
"Ugh, look it is right there!" Richards yells looking at the lights and starts bolting forward.
"Richards! Jaha!" Murphy yells, unwilling to move.
"Stop!" Jaha chases after Richards tackling him to the ground their faces inches away from a mine. The guy almost pisses himself seeing that he almost died. Murphy breathes out starting to wonder if Jaha's faith maybe right.

They continue on following Jaha as he passes a sign saying, 'Warning Mines.'

"Another test passed." Murphy looks at Jaha smirking shaking his head. "We made it. Come on." Jaha and the three men start running up the hill, desperate to see what is behind the dunes.
"Are you kidding me?" Murphy exhales standing up. "Are you kidding me, this is it?" Jaha crawls up looking at what the others are looking at, his smile falters. "This is what we crossed the desert to find?"
"It can't be."
"Well, guess what? Your light society is not a city, it's nothing."

Cage paces around the com room smiling to himself.

"Those kids killed ten of our soldiers; we can use that to flush them out."
"Do it."
"Yes sir."
"Now let's talk about the outside threat. Look at them the entire army stopped within the veil's range." Cage looks over the raider surveying the grounders' movements. "Why?"
"They're learning sir; I told you, this Commander was different."
"What are they going to do? Waiting us out? We've been safe down here for 97 years. She's going to lose patience and when she does deploy the fog."

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