Chapter 10 Let's Get This Party Smoking

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"It's been two days. Maybe the bomb at the bridge scared them for good." Clarke scans the woods as Bellamy walks up next to her.
"Do you honestly believe that?"
"No, but we have one week left until the full moon. Jasper, you, and I need to figure out what we're going to do. We're going to have to shackle us up, maybe keep Jasper in the bunker?"
"Then what about us? We all can't be in that bunker. It's way too small. Even if we put two of us down there, we'd push our luck. We will tear each other a part."
"I know. I just don't want us loose in the woods, what if we go towards camp? We're already suffering from the grounders' attacks and we're barely getting our strength back. Right now we have to have the vampires on the front lines and they can only do so much. If one of those spears goes through their heart, they're done, ash. I know they're quicker than the werewolves but not by much. By adding us into the mix they really won't stand a chance. And it takes a few changes for us to maybe control the inner wolf. I don't want to take any chances."

"Well, Jasper thinks he can cook up some more gunpowder, if he gets some sulfur, and Raven says she can turn that into landmines. So be careful where you step." Bellamy starts heading back to camp swinging an arm around a tree to look at Clarke. She shakes her head seeing him smirk following down the hill. "What we really need is some more of her tin can bombs I can roll into their village and blow those grounders to hell." They walk side by side as everyone tries to set up blockades and traps right outside the borders of camp, while others make preparations in camp. "Maybe, we can have Monty or Raven make something to shackle us to the drop ship. Maybe then we won't hurt the others or ourselves."
"There has to be another way, but the idea of Monty or Raven making something for us doesn't seem so bad. We should have Monty work on it since Raven has her hands full." Clarke sighs walking ahead of him.

"Any word from the Ark?" He grabs her hand.
"Radio silence." She stops and slightly turns her head back "Maybe my mom was lucky being on the Exodus ship. At least it was quick." Bellamy pulls her hand and turns her into him, hugging her. She sighs and scoops her arms under holding his shoulders.
"Hey, maybe she wasn't on it by chance. Maybe she waited." He says in her hair.
"There are a lot of maybes, but if she wasn't on the Exodus ship then how will they get down?" Bellamy shrugs in her arms as she sighs into his neck. Her breath sends pleasant shivers through his body as he lets go of her.

"Monty!" Clarke waves spotting him as he jogs over to them.
"What's up Clarke, Bellamy?"
"In one week it'll be a full moon."
"Yeah?" Monty looks at the two confused.
"We need you to make something to shackle Jasper, Clarke, and I to the drop ship, something that won't let us break through."
"I know Jasper activated his curse but when did you-"
"Long story short I had to put Atom out of his misery because of the acid fog and Bellamy saved me from Dax. We really didn't have the time to tell camp and we both have been experiencing pre-changes. So we were pretty busy." She sighs.

"Well we found out we get symptoms, if you want to call it that. When we're angry or something upsets us to the point of being angry, our bodies start to change. A big indication is when our eyes change colors. Clarke's turn a golden green while mine turn into a golden silver. Then our strength, speed, senses increase. Clarke has been experiencing these changes longer than I have and we've both been able to handle them with each other, but the full moon is near and-"
"You don't want to hurt any of the campers in case you guys can't control the wolf within."
"Yeah, pretty much. Also Jasper is always happy go lucky so we're not concerned of any pre-changes but we still need to keep an eye on him before the full moon. So we definitely need something for all three of us." Clarke looks at Monty then back at Bellamy.

"Well we can use the third floor of the drop ship make cells and use the seatbelts and cables to tie you guys down. I'll have to make it so you guys can freely change but won't be able to break through. Also, not to state the obvious what are you guys going to do about the mate thing?"
"Haven't really thought about it, honestly, what with the grounders, the pre-changes, and just surviving we hadn't had time to think that far ahead."
"Well just remember once you turn finding a mate sometimes doesn't come in an instant, other times its when you least expect it, and you may not find one at all. But keep in mind after you've turned if you don't find a mate you can't, um, you know..."
"Gees, Monty have sex. We can't have sex with anyone besides our mate even if we don't find them. We will get sick or worse never get off." Clarke says rolling her eyes. The two boys just looked at her surprised but amused.
"Anyway, get started on the drop ship so it's ready by full moon and let Jasper know the plan." Bellamy instructs, Monty nods and heads off.

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