Chapter 30 Game of Thrones

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Queen Nia walks into the council room at Polis with her hands shackled guided by guards. Clarke sits in one of the chairs with Bellamy standing by her side. The room was silent and all Clarke and Bellamy could hear was everyone's breathing. Queen Nia is forced to kneel before Lexa, everyone anticipating her fate.

"Queen Nia's actions on Mount Weather against Skaikru who are now seen and bare the mark of the collation as the 13th clan are delegated as acts of war against the Commander. Punishment for your crime is death." Roan looks at the flame keeper emotions erased from his face. "Do you have anything to say in your defense?"
"I need no defense." Lexa stares down at the Queen voided of emotions. "She does. Today is judgment day; I call for a vote of no confidence."
"Take this Cretan to seal her fate."
"Slou yu rou daun." (Not so fast.) A delegator leader stands. "Nou Heda noumou." (Commander no longer.)
"No Heda noumou." Multiple leaders stand chanting Commander no longer.
"Take them away too!"
"Hod op." (Wait.) Lexa says stopping the guards.
"Lexa please, execute these traitors-"
"Let her make her move." Lexa cuts off her flame keeper.
"She won't take our heads because she knows our armies will retaliate." Queen Nia stands up. "None of us here wants war." She turns to look at all the clan leaders.
"We both know what you want. If you think of me unfit to command, issue the challenge and let's get on with it." Lexa says standing in front of Nia.
"Very well, you are challenged."
"And I accept your challenge." Lexa's flame keeper looks at her shocked.
"So be it. Soulou gonplei." (Single combat.) "Warrior to warrior to the death. Nia of Azgeda, who do you chose to be your champion?"
"My son, Roan Prince of Azgeda." Roan looks at his mother unmoved.
"Heda, who will fight for you?" Lexa turns around and sits back at her throne. "Ai laik Heda. Non na throu daun gon ai." (I'm the Commander. No one fights for me.)

Clarke and Bellamy look at each other worry stricken.

Everyone that was in Polis met back at Arkadia. Pike walks through the gates surprised, seeing every one of his people from farm station and the people of Mount Weather alive and well.

"What is the meaning of this? I thought everyone died?" Pike asks walking into the council room.
"Bellamy had warned us of the double sided sword and we were able to evacuate everyone." Raven tells Pike,
"I heard you over the radio; you said it was only you and Sinclair that survived."
"It's called acting Pike."
"You all knew and didn't care to tell me?"
"We couldn't tell many people in fear that Bellamy's plan would back fire." Pike scoffs at Kane.
"When do we attack?"
"We don't, the Ice Nation took credit for the attack and the Commander will bring them to justice."
"We need to show an example. We need to hit them now and we need to hit them hard. Leave no survivors."
"There's nothing simple about that." Kane looks at Pike.
"How can you trust these grounders, especially since they exploded our outpost?"
"Like Abby said the Ice Nation took credit for the attack and the Commander will deal with them accordingly." Pike storms out of the room.

"After tomorrow's election he's your problem." Abby says walking next to the desk Kane was sitting at. She then leaves to attend to people in medical. Finn walks up to Kane.
"Why aren't you at your post?" Finn places down his guard jacket on the table, Kane looks up at him confused. "Don't do this."
"Clarke was captured, brought to Polis with her life in danger. People could have died in Mount Weather and I swore to protect our people as well as Clarke. If Bellamy didn't warn everyone not only the people in Mount Weather but Clarke could have died. I became a guard so I could protect her, what good can I do if I can't do that properly?"
"It's not your fault, Finn. We didn't suffer any losses and Clarke's alive."
"She could have, if I properly protected her we wouldn't be in this situation in the first place." Finn growls his eyes flickering to gold.
"Place the blame where it belongs on the Ice Nation." Finn looks up at Kane.
"The Ice Nation didn't kidnap Clarke, I failed her." Finn huffs turning around walking away

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