Chapter 52 Betrayals

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Author's Note:

Hello my beautiful people reading Lunar. I hope you are enjoying this series for those of you who have just joined. The holidays have reached us and I'm trying to post like I promised at least one chapter a week for both Lunar and The Hunt. While I am trying, I appreciate everyone's patience. Now, I also know I said this series would be ending soon but I have more ideas so this will be going longer than expected. But I do hope you all still enjoy! I have made this chapter longer for you all and with my great pleasure please enjoy! Happy Holidays to everyone. Be kind, be respectful, be you!

Warning: Explicit sexual scenes, gore, swearing, and blood shed.

Clarke and Bellamy looked to the sky the moon almost full, Clarke paled.

"Seriously? What a time for the full moon to come... We need to get the scouts to postpone the conclave."
"How, everyone is so adamant for this, let alone Praimfaya being a few days away."
"I know... as much as Octavia is skilled and trained like the grounders they won't hesitate to take her down. I fear they would see her as food for days to come in the bunker." Bellamy paled, Clarke was right he feared for his sister but how would they post pone it, let alone have all the turned werewolves confined. "I need Lexa, Gaia, and Indra." Bellamy nodded before swiftly exiting their room. Moments later he came back with the three women. "Gaia you need to tell your scouts to postpone the conclave."
"Why, this is what everyone wants, one death instead of many."
"I know but tomorrow is a full moon and..." Lexa sensed Clarke's uneasiness realizing what she meant.
"Clarke's right we have to postpone it for the day after tomorrow."
"Why though? I don't understand with Praimfaya on its way shouldn't we get this done and over with?"
"There is a lot you don't understand we, as in most of our people aren't exactly human."
"What do you mean?"
"Some of us are werewolves while others are vampires and I cannot allow the humans to be hurt because most of us cannot contain the animal within."
"Wanheda, this is some sort of trick."
"No, Gaia." Indra interrupted. "I've seen it with my own eyes. If the full moon is to come tomorrow night many will not see the next day." Gaia furrowed her eyebrows in disbelief.
"No the conclave will go as scheduled." Gaia turned to leave as she heard a low unearthly growl behind her. She turned to she Clarke's eye glow bright green as Clarke began to pant.
"Hey, hey look at me." Bellamy said as he stood in front of Clarke. Her growl sent shivers down the three women's spines as he tried to calm her beast. "I know you're mad that she won't listen but falling to your wolf's insistency is not going to change anything." Clarke grew more tired of being told to calm down when the lives of many were resting on her shoulders and a little human would not listen to her. She swiftly moved in front of Gaia, startling her.
"Listen and listen well you WILL postpone the conclave or I WILL rip every contestants throat leaving us the winner and I WILL do what's best for MY people so help me goddess." Gaia cowered at her strong presence before nodding leaving with Lexa and Indra at her heels. Bellamy locked the door turning to Clarke.
"Clarke... listen to me. Listen to my voice." Her beast would not comply as her hunched back told him her wolf was in control. "Don't make me force you into submission." She laughed at his pleas.
"You think you can take me?"
"I know I can."

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