Author's Note Please Read

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Hey guys like I mentioned before this story is rated Mature, so there will be swearing, violence, sexual content, and uncomfortable  material. If you haven't read After I will put an indication with the asterisk mark (*). When I put *** this just indicates a few days or weeks passed. For sexual content I will put 

Sexual content

This will be the indication for that, so you can decided to skip that section if you do not want to read it. By all means skipping the sexual content will not affect the story.  For any content that maybe uncomfortable I will try to indicate it as 

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Uncomfortable material (psychological distress and other various things)
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I will try my best to make sure that, that material doesn't affect the story but due to the content it may be hard to deter from it. But I will give you guys warnings as best I can.

For the violence part I really can't put an indication, just because how I have the story going in my head. I really can't write a werewolf and vampire story esk. without violence. Skipping these parts may cause big jumps in the story, so if that doesn't bother you then skip over it otherwise continue reading.

Thank you guys for your love and support! You guys are just as awesome! Remember be kind, be respectful, be you! Oh and if you have already check out

@breathingblake Locked up Lovers {bellarke fanfiction} Where Bellamy and Clarke are cellmates on the Ark. Also Blake and His Princess (a bellarke fanfic) which they are set in high school. Both are very good reads an I highly recommend them!

@Logan-Lerman1 The Slowest Burn - Bellarke - These are all different one shots / short stories of Bellamy and Clarke which are also good reads and definitely does the title justice with all the different feels.

They both awesome writers among others that I do enjoy reading so check them out if you haven't already!

P.S. If anyone has any suggestions of any Bellarke stories or concepts they would like to read let me know. I will try my best to paint it as best I can and how you would like to read it.

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