Chapter 9 Blood and Fire

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The smell of fumes consumed the air, debris expanded as far as their eyes could see. Clarke couldn't believe her eyes no one could survive this and for all she knew her mother was dead. As much as she hated her for what she did to her father, she would never wish this kind of death on anyone not even her enemies.

Bellamy watched as Clarke scanned the area not knowing whether to comfort her or keep his distance. He could see her held head high, being so strong for the mere fact she had just lost her mother. He watched her in awe and admired her way of being strong even though she may be breaking on the inside.

"Clarke shouldn't be here..." Finn was looking at her across the distance.
"She wanted to come and I couldn't or wouldn't stop her. It's her own decision and we need to respect that." Bellamy glanced over at Finn, his rifle armed and ready. Raven was crouched down looking through the rubble to find anything to salvage.
"She just lost her mom Bellamy, don't you get that? You can't blame me for not wanting to protect her." Raven looked over her shoulder at Finn as he looked at Bellamy.
"I get it, she lost her only family she had left but she would not, not come. She almost lost her life yesterday, I'm more concerned about that and I blame you." Bellamy gritted his teeth.
"Maybe if you didn't bring guns-"
"If we didn't bring guns we all would have been killed." Raven interrupted Finn glaring at him. She couldn't believe the boy standing next to her, blaming them trying to protect him, Clarke, and Octavia.
"Either way we need to make this quick, this crash could be seen for miles and I'm pretty sure the grounders would be on their way here." Bellamy said looking back at Clarke. "Look, grounders will come for us and it doesn't matter why anymore, but it's our job to be ready when they do. We're on our own now."

Clarke sees a purple liquid dripping from a piece of the Exodus ship. She walks up to it and gets a big whiff of what the substance could be.

"Oh!" She steps back from the strong smell covering her nose. Raven looks up at Clarke and heads towards her.
"Clarke! Stop!" Clarke looks at her.
"Rocket fuel?"
"Hydrazine..." Raven bends down to look as Bellamy looks at them. "Highly unstable in its nonsolid form. If this stuff meets fire we're all pink mist." Raven dips a small rock in the liquid and stands back up. "Fire in the hole!" She turns and throws the rock at a dwindling fire spot.


The fire explodes raging ten feet up in the air as everyone turns around. Both Bellamy and Finn look at Raven with concern.

"We need to clear the area." Raven yells, Bellamy nods.
"Okay then, we move in formation. Everyone out! No straggling, weapons hot!" He waves everyone off. "We want to get to camp before dark!"


The guards at the front gate hear a tree branch snap followed by the jingle of cans.

"Something moved!" Octavia hears someone yell on guard just as see spots a flower in the tree. She looked concerned hoping who the guard found wasn't Lincoln.
"There, there, there!"

Bang! Bang! Bang!

"I think I got him. Let's go." A tall dirty blonde curly haired boy said as he gathered some of the people on watch to follow.
"I'm coming with you." Octavia says trying to hold down her fear for Lincoln. They walk up by a tree as they see a body slouched on its side bloody with ripped clothes. Octavia slowly crouches down and reaches out to touch its shoulder. It darts up backing away scared.
"Oh, my God." Connor the dark toned boy with black hair said inching forward with the torch.
"No way." Another one says looking down at the defenseless person holding up a hand.
"Murphy?" Octavia questions, looking at him concerned. "Get him up! We need to take him back to the drop ship, now!" They looked at her for a second contemplating, but hoisted him up and carried him inside camp and into the drop ship.

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