Chapter 38 Desolate Arkadia

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"What do we do now?" Murphy asks"We need to get to Arkadia

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"What do we do now?" Murphy asks
"We need to get to Arkadia." Clarke said.
"Wait why? I thought Arkadia has fallen?" Harper questions.
"Yes, but if this is like last time they would have moved to recruit more people and where will you get even more people?" Raven questions.
"I need to get back to my people and warn them."
"Lexa, it is too risky especially if you have the flame inside of you. We need to protect you at all cost!"
"I can't just let my people be taken."
"We'll figure out a plan, but first things first we need to get to Arkadia see if we can find something that will help us." Everyone nods in agreement before reaching the outskirts of Arkadia.

As they drove towards their old home the ride was silent.

"How are you doing?"

"Bellamy, not now."

"I'm serious, after you... died... then came back we focused on Raven how are you?"

"I'm fine."

"You sure?"

"I'm fine."

"Clarke, come on you died for crying out loud and you haven't been able to talk about it. It's one problem after another."

"Yeah, well we really don't have time do we?"


"Bellamy, just keep driving the sooner we can get to Arkadia and decide what to do next the better."

"I'm worried about you."

"I know, but we have important things to deal with... Allie and Apollyon."

"You're just as important."

"Look right now I can't focus on that, we need to focus on the present."

"But I've seen it; this isn't your first time dying."

"I know and I'm okay. I already died and came back so that means I won't die anytime soon."

"Bullshit! You know that."

"Can we not, we really need to focus on the Allie issue. After that then we can talk about it."

"Clarke, I'm not dropping it I don't want you to die in my arms... again."

"You won't."

"How are you sure?"

"I won't."


"Stop. Just Drive."

"Eyes sharp, weapons hot, we're almost home." Bellamy says driving the rover slightly glancing over at Clarke as she stared straight avoiding his gaze.

As they reached the desolate structure they called Arkadia everyone was on guard.

Octavia had stopped in the spot where she had seen Clarke fall, tears brimming her eyes.

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