Chapter 57 Wonkru or the Enemy

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Clashing swords and fists hitting flesh, the bearers of fresh wounds pant heavily as one strikes the other

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Clashing swords and fists hitting flesh, the bearers of fresh wounds pant heavily as one strikes the other.

46 Days After Primfaya

"Octavia, the delegates have assembled."
"Dressing me up doesn't fool anyone, my blood is red." Octavia says to Indra as she helps Lincoln off the ground. "And it will always will be."
"Symbols matter, Octavia. These symbols. Trust me and Lexa. The more people connect to you to them, the easier it is for you to lead." Indra opens her palm to reveal Lexa's pendant.
"Why can't Lexa lead them, she was their Commander. I'm sure all of them would be pleased if she resumed being Commander."
"Lexa wasn't a part of this conclave so she has no say. You entwine both grounder and Skaikru. You won the conclave now prove to them that you deserve it. Lexa and I will be next to you through the whole way."

"The Champion of Wonkru." Niylah says stopping her cart and bowing at Octavia.
"Stop." They both chuckle.
"Look what I found." Niylah shows her a book, the Iliad. "I know Bellamy used to read you the parts about ancient Rome." Octavia opens the book while looking at her awestruck.
"I intend to speak of forms changed into new entities." She reads the first line and looks at Niylah. "Thank you. We're sparing tomorrow. Promise?" Niylah nods her head smiling. "Indra, Lexa."

Octavia strides her way towards the office as she walks pass Gaia. Gaia gives her a look as Octavia sighs.

"Blame your mother and Lexa."
"Have you made up your mind?" Indra asks while Lexa follows Octavia.
"The Order of the Flame will never support a red blooded Commander."
"That red blooded Commander saved your life and everyone else's in this bunker. You're real Commanders would have left you to burn including Lexa." Indra turns to follow Octavia and Lexa.

One of the delegates starts arguing crimes as everyone listens intently.

"And on the Ark he would have been floated." Kane says clasping his hands together on the table.
"There are no separate clans here; you do well not to forget that." Lexa says sternly.
"Then what punishment does Oslaiah oppose?"
"For stealing blankets? Give them back." Octavia says incredulously. The grounder delegates whisper amongst themselves looking at Octavia like she she's absurd. "What's next?"

Thump! Thump! Thump!

Everyone looks at one another before Kane and Abby rush to the air lock pulling on hazmat suits. Abby enters the code and it clicks open as she tries to push up. Even with all her strength using her wolf she could barely make the door budge.

"Marcus, there's something wrong." They both try to push up, the door laughing in their face vampire and werewolf strength utterly failing them.
"Stop, stop! If I'm right, the tower collapsed on top of us that means..."
"Clarke's not getting in..."
"We're not getting out."

After the dismissal of the delegates Jaha walks into the office followed by a woman.

"Why is she here? She's not an engineer." Indra says looking at the woman then Jaha.
"Cooper runs the hydroponic farm just like she did on the Ark. You need to hear what she has to say."
"Here are the blueprints." She presents Octavia, Indra, Lexa, Kane, and Abby what she found.
"So even if we can open the hatch and assuming the tower collapsed above us, which makes tens of thousands of rubble meaning solid steel surrounded by bedrock. There are no vulnerabilities and we don't have the equipment to exploit them if there were. Not in five years, not in a hundred." Jaha says sternly.
"The hydra farm's field won't support us beyond those five years."
"Looks like its back to rationing." Octavia mumbles.
"The bunker was not yours to give-"
"It belonged to us you had no right." Jaha places a hand on Cooper's shoulder.
"That's enough." Octavia looks at her straight unmoving. "You should probably leave." Jaha insists, as Cooper was about to rebuttal. She looks at Jaha then nods before leaving.
"What the hell is her problem?" Octavia asks dryly.
"Cooper's dad died on the culling of the Ark and her husband – well he didn't make the cut for the bunker." Abby says looking at Jaha.
"She done enough, she knows we will have to consider population reduction yet again." Jaha says gravely.
"Not a chance. If we need an engineer again we'll let you know." Octavia says dismissing Jaha. Indra escorts him out as the remaining people in the office hear the chatter of the people within the bunker.
"We should increase the guards." Indra says closing the door.
"As much as I hate to say it, Jaha's right."
"He is not in charge here and neither are you or the delegates, I am. I didn't save us all so we can kill ourselves."
"Octavia, this isn't a game." Kane says sternly.
"What happens if we got to half rations?" Lexa asks.
"Does that buy us more time?" Indra follows after.
"Theoretically, yes but we are already at base line." Abby says calculating ration control.
"Will we survive or not?"
"We'll survive. We will just wish we didn't." Abby says scornfully.
"Some of us already do." Kane prompts looking at Abby.

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