Chapter 23 The White Wolf

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Flames engrossed the village, trees in embers, and a giant gaping hole where the village used to be. Octavia runs back to the village trying to find any remains of what could be Clarke. Lexa turns Octavia around.

"I could have saved her."
"Octavia, victory stands on the back of sacrifice, don't let Clarke's death be in vain. You know that."
"I want the mountain me dead. All of them."


"The spotter! He's alone. Maybe he sees her!"
"If he's a spotter then he's here to make sure we're all dead. If he tells the mountain we're alive..."
"He won't."
"How can you be sure?"
"Because I'm going to kill him." Lexa takes a step back looking at Octavia.

What is with these Sky People? Clarke, her, Raven, and Bellamy what is so special about them? What is so special about Clarke that makes everyone risk their lives for a mere person? I know they aren't exactly human but they are willing to fight for their leader. I can't say that for most of mine even if I am the Commander. I should be wary of this so called Clarke Griffin.

Grounders from the village go down in search of Clarke keeping the shooter at bay. Abby and Kane with Indra try to look for the entrance of the tunnels in hopes Clarke has made it there.

"We took the level but now we have to hold it." Jasper says breaking the glass encasing of a fire axe, everyone else scrambling to secure the exits.
"Fox ready to get the hallway cameras?" Jasper asks as the remaining five take the cafeteria.
"Nope leave the hallway cameras, only our eyes out there." Monty says walking passed the two.
"You can do that?"
"Have you met me?"
"Where are we on the doors?"
"The elevators are disabled and I shorted all the stairway locks. But this one is tricky though, I can't-"


Jasper hits the panel with the handle of an axe.

"That works too." Monty says looking at Jasper.
"How long do you think we can hold them off?"
"As long as we have to."


Everyone turns to the door hearing the explosion down the hallway. Harper cocks a rifle aiming at the door as Fox starts to panic.

"We're not ready for this."
"Yes, we are. As long as we follow the plan we'll be okay." Fox looks at Jasper warily. "I promise."

Thud! Thud! Thud!

Guards rip the doors open seeing stacks of furniture blocking their path. They throw red smoke bombs to render the five of them unconscious.

"Take it down!" A grappling hook is tossed to pull the furniture down. The guards waltz in seeing them on the ground knocked out. Emerson takes off his mask testing the air as he sees a bucket of water. He pulls out a canister looking at the kids. Jasper leaps up, hacking a guard in the leg, Monty turns around, shooting another guard, everyone follows suit as they full on attack the guards taking them down one by one. "Retreat! Retreat!" Emerson pulls up a guard exiting out of the room looking back at Jasper. None of the guards realizing the strength that come off the five.
"We did it! Set back the barricade!"
"Ahhh, Jasper!"
"Fox! Fox!" Miller stops Jasper from running out the door. "No! No!" Miller whispers his sorry holding Jasper.
"I promised her. I promised her..." Monty walks over and shows Jasper the video feed. Miller let's go of Jasper as they see a guard stirring on the ground. Jasper's eyes turn gold looking at the guard picking up his axe.
"Ahhh!" Jasper hacks away at the guard crawling on the ground repeatedly, yelling over and over again. Monty and Miller stare at Jasper not wanting to move hoping they get out soon.

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