Chapter 43 King Roan

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Clarke takes a deep breath looking at everyone around her

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Clarke takes a deep breath looking at everyone around her.

"How do we tell these people the world is ending after all they've been through?" She looks up at Bellamy with a worried look.
"We don't until we know Allie was telling the truth."
"It was the truth."
"Still, we keep it to ourselves until we know what we are dealing with and figure out a way to stop it."
"You're afraid of how people will react." She states more than questions.
"Yes, besides I could use a break. You gave them back their pain, Clarke. Let's not add to it by telling them they're going to die in six months." Clarke looks up at him nodding as he nods back.
"Alright, once everyone's down we go home, we get to work. We didn't survive this long just to let a little radiation to take us out." He looks out to the people groaning in pain and grieving.
"Thank you." He turns to look at her. "For keeping me alive." He smiles pulling her close to him; he places a hand behind her neck and waist bringing her into a kiss.
"Ahhh, ahhhhh!" They pull a part as Clarke darts to a woman crying next to a man sitting up dead.
"You don't make it easy..." He chases after her. She kneels looking at the man checking his pulse. "He didn't fall."
"He chased me in the City of Light, Lexa killed him." The woman rises looking at Clarke.
"Wanheda, you did this." Grounders start gathering looking at the two as they turn looking in every direction seeing people's pain.

Everyone finally climbs down from the tower meeting up with Bellamy and Clarke.

"Good, you're down. We have to go. The rover is in the north woods."
"What about the wounded?"
"The grounders don't want our help. Our people we treat in Arkadia." Bellamy says looking at Kane and Abby.
"Hel-lo?" Clarke and Bellamy look down at the radio. "Bel-lamy, come in."
"Raven, are you okay?" Bellamy says into the radio.
"Yeah, yeah we're all in one piece."
"That's good, there's something we need you to look into."
"First, tell me how my friends are. Did everyone make it?" Raven pauses. "Clarke?" Bellamy hands the radio to Clarke.
"I'm here, thanks to you. Raven, did Allie ever tell you why she created the City of Light?"
"No, why?"

"En's kiken! Osir gaf fisa in!" (He's alive! We need a healer!)
"Fill her in, they need a doctor!" Clarke looks back at her mom.

Abby, Clarke, and Kane rush over to Roan checking him.

"He got shot trying to help me." Clarke looks him over. "I thought he was dead..."
"Not yet." Abby says looking at Clarke feeling for a pulse. "But he's close." Abby checks his back. "No exit wound we need to get the bullet out quickly-"
"Get away from our King!" Echo says her sword up against Clarke's neck. Clarke raises her hands as Echo grabs her back pulling Clarke towards her.
"Wait! Please no!" Abby says as Kane pulls her up, Sky People rush over their guns aimed.
"You're making a mistake we're part of the coalition." Kane interrupts.
"I can save him but you will have to let me." Abby protests.
"We have our own healer. Lid haihefa-de gon banged seintaim kom ostof kom oso stedaun. Dula'm op nau." (Take the King to the embassy with the rest of our dead. Do it now.) The Ice Nation grounders grab their King pulling him up to take him away.
"Echo!" Bellamy starts rushing over.
"Hey, Bellamy, don't!" Clarke says as Kane grabs Bellamy trying to stop him from doing something stupid.
"Hey, stop!"
"Let her go, Echo, let her go!" Bellamy growls lowly making Echo shiver as she holds Clarke tighter.
"Back off, Bellamy."
"You're King is my friend. Let us help him." Clarke grunts.
"I saw you in the City of Light. I know you destroyed it, thank you for that." Echo pushes Clarke forward as Bellamy catches her. "Look around you, Skaikru did this to us, because of them Ontari, you're rightful Commander is dead. This imposter stole her Flame."
"No!" Kane yells. "Wanheda saved us! All of us! Grounder and Skaikru."
"There would have been nothing to save us from if not for you."
"Azgeda has no authority here."
"We do now. In the name of King Roan as rightful caretakers of the throne of the Commanders, Polis is now under Azgeda rule."
"Like hell it is!" An ambassador yells walking forward. "Where's your war chief girl?"
"Our war chief is dead, ambassador. As a member of the Queen's guard, Commander of the army has fallen onto me and until the King awakens."
"If he awakens, until a new Commander ascends, Polis is to be ruled by ambassadors of the coalition. If Azgeda wants it, they must take it by force!" Echo swings her sword slicing the neck of the ambassador, blood dripping to the ground from Echo's sword. Everyone looks down at the dead ambassador before them.
"Consider it taken. No Skaikru leaves this city. Gon Azgeda!" (For Azgeda!) Echo yells before turning away.
"I think saving the world will have to wait." Bellamy whispers in Clarke's ear.

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