Chapter 44 We Save Who We Can Today

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Author's Note: First off I'm so sorry my chickadees I haven't posted in what, three weeks? I have some family emergencies that are still going on but I didn't want to go another week without posting a new chapter

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Author's Note: First off I'm so sorry my chickadees I haven't posted in what, three weeks? I have some family emergencies that are still going on but I didn't want to go another week without posting a new chapter. I tried to make this one longer so I hope you guys enjoy. Secondly, I have a little over 500 views?! Thank you guys so much! I hope you guys are enjoying this story as much as I am! Also, I'm trying to fill in as much blanks as I can so bare with me! Love you guys!


"Welcome to your throne room my King." Echo says slightly bowing as Roan walks up to the throne. "Now that the lift has been prepared, I've doubled the guard on the door at every floor."
"Expecting trouble?"
"I trust only Azgeda. Your mother taught me that. Our people loved her for it."
"Our people feared her, Echo."
"Because she was fierce, ambitious."
"My mother's ambition, her disregard for Lexa's alliance got her killed."
"If I may, why do you insist on ruling as Lexa did? When it's not what's best for our people? At least tell me there's a reason."

"Forgive the intrusion your highness." Kane says walking into the throne room with Octavia by his side. "May we have a word?" Echo looks at Kane. "Privately."
"You can wait, like the other ambassadors."
"Echo, leave us," Echo whips her head to look at Roan. "Please." She takes a moment before walking out with the other guards, closing the doors behind them.

"You were right to be concerned with Trishanakru. Rafael is going to challenge you for control."
"Bold move for a new ambassador," Roan says pushing himself off the throne. "So let him come."
"With respect, you're still recovering."
"The law says you can pick someone." Octavia chimes in after Kane. "One to fight in your place."
"No, clans will never accept a leader who hides behind the law or another warrior's blade."
"You'll lose; Lexa kicked your ass without a bullet hole in your chest."
"We should cancel the gathering or delay it till you're strong enough."
"No, letting the ambassadors have a voice keeps the peace here." Roan says walking back towards the throne. "Azgeda holds the city by force alone and the Flame won't keep the clans at bay forever. If they unite against us, we could lose. And if we lose-" Roan says sitting in thought.
"They come for Skaikru." Octavia finishes.
"And radiation comes for us all."
"No one has to die. The point of our arrangement is to give us time to find a solution to save everyone." Kane says stepping forward.
"And how is that solution coming?"
"We're working on it. In the meantime I'm here to keep you in power. Let me talk to the ambassador."
"Go ahead talk." Kane nods and turns around. "But... If you fail, I'll have no choice but to fight."

"Today, this isn't black rain but will be soon." Raven says in a matter-of-fact tone. "That's why we have to focus on riding out the radiation, finding some place safe, and big enough to hold five hundred of us."
"This isn't just about saving us." Clarke interrupts. "I made a promise to Roan; it's not safe for everyone."
"That's why we need to tell everyone, crowd source it. If there's another Mount Weather out there, the grounders will know about it."
"Like they're just going to tell us? Just like that?" Bellamy looks at Raven. "If we tell everybody their going to die, the coalition is over. Roan falls and the grounders will be at our gate."
"That's it!" Everyone turned to look at Monty with confusion.
"What are you talking about?" Clarke asked.
"Think Alpha station survived for 97 years in space, at elevated radiation levels and extreme temperature fluctuations. Sound familiar? All we have to do is patch up the ship. We are standing in our viable solution." Everyone looked around them, letting Monty's proposition sink in.

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