Chapter 19 Rapture of Love

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I could feel the burning sensation all over my body, the heat of ever blade scorching my skin. I looked at my reflection, dark circles under my eyes. I could see the blood pooling out of every cut. I couldn't move my hands they were pinned as I muffled my scream. I was crying, the fear of dying, and my blood dripping to my feet. My eyes burned as they smoldered a bright green. I didn't know what to do. I felt trapped I could feel my body shaking. I could hear someone call for me in the distance. I couldn't put the voice to a face.

"Clarke! Clarke, wake up!"
"Princess? Please wake up!" Bellamy shook the trembling Clarke in his arms. Clarke screamed jolting upwards out of Bellamy's grasp, cold sweat dripping from her face. "Clarke, you're okay, it's okay. Shhh." Bellamy embraced Clarke as she quietly sobbed. Bellamy kissed her head as she pulled away. He could see her green eyes bright as day, cupping her face staring deeply into her eyes trying to calm her down.
"I could feel every blade on my skin reliving each cut, feeling my blood stick to my body. I couldn't move I was trapped..."
"Hey, hey you're okay now. You're safe here with me." Bellamy looked at Clarke with so much remorse wishing it was him to take the blame. He wished he could make her mind at ease knowing all too well this is a heavy burden for her to bare. He then looked her over seeing most of her cuts healing quickly. "Clarke, you need to try and stop the regeneration, you're healing way too quickly to have been cut hours ago." Clarke gasps as she looked down her at bare chest, the deep cut from the Commander scabbing quickly. She blushed remembering the night before as she concentrated trying to will herself to stop healing quickly again. Bellamy sighed smirking at Clarke's beautiful body as the scars on her face stayed in place but the cuts on her arms were now red lines. "You need to keep your jacket on when we meet with the grounders. She nodded knowing all too well they wouldn't be able to explain her quick recovery. "Come on let's get back to camp."

Maya and Jasper quickly walk into the room joining the group, Miller turning up the volume on the radio.

"We'll keep looking, whatever happened to Harper someone must have seen something." Jasper whispers looking at everyone.
"We've got to contact Clarke and Bellamy." Monty says aloud not telling anyone in specific.
"The only radios we have are in the command center on level 7, they're highly restricted." Maya looks at Monty then at Jasper.
"We've gotten in before..."
"Only because it was scheduled for decontamination, it won't work again so soon."
"We don't need the radio; we need the wires that run into it, here." Monty says pointing at a map of the complex. "Find the outgoing wire and jack it to a closed system, without being heard in the command center or out in the field."
"That's all huh?" Miller asks sarcastically.
"No, we also need some copper wires, the guard schedules, and a walkie talkie, oh yeah and a big ass hammer." Everyone breaths out concerned, with too much to do and so little time.

Maya leads Jasper, Monty, and Miller into an Art storage room. Monty searches the area for the wires looking at the map stopping in front of a wall.

"Right here, the communication lines are right behind this wall." Monty moves a small stone statue, Jasper moving the table then the picture, and Miller unraveling a big ass hammer from the contamination cart.
"Big ass enough for you?" Monty looks at the hammer and nods.
"Wait, they'll hear you."
"This was the plan... I knew it she's afraid to lose her blood supply."
"Look, you don't have to like me Miller and you can blame me all you want for what my people are doing but I'm trying to make things right."
"Then get the hell out of my way." Maya looks down at her watch.
"Five seconds."
"What happens in five seconds?" Monty asks.
"Miller realizes what a dick he is?" Jasper states looking at Miller.

Beep! Beep! Beep!

Jasper makes a face and points up. Miller closes his eyes then looks at Maya.

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