Chapter 58 All Good Things Come to an End

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Author's Note: So this is the end of Lunar

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Author's Note: So this is the end of Lunar. I had more ideas but honestly I felt it would just drag on and I didn't want to do that. So I'm sorry this is a short chapter but I hope it's a good kind of closure. I wanted to make it short, sweet and to the point. So I'm sorry if this is abrupt but it's been long over due for this series.

I know some of my viewers have mentioned Wattpad giving them issues. So I will be posting Lunar on AO3 within the next few days. My username is Azurewolvez so follow me there if you are having troubles viewing on Wattpad or follow me in general. Again, I will be posting my more explicit content there along with my other works. I will continue to post here as well. However, I will be having a break typing more content to post so I can give them to you at a timely manner. So thank you all for joining me and Lunar on this wonderful journey and remember always be kind, be respectful, be you!

"Come on we need to get all abled people to help dig out the of the rubble! If everyone helps then we can finish by tomorrow morning!" Bellamy instructs over the mass of people.

After the first year of scrounging and searching the scorched world the group stumbled upon the tunnels the reapers used to use. What surprised them the most were the people who had been injected with the Night blood serum. What was more strange the leader or leaders holding them all together; Finn, Wick, and the rest of the remaining 100 who did not make the list for the bunker. They had joined forces with the remaining people of each of the 13 clans and nothing more had brought smiles to the small groups faces.

After finding the small patch of land they consider Eden, everyone pitched together creating their new homes in Shallow Valley. There was no difference between clans anymore, everyone joined in to help one another. Skaikru and Grounders taught one another and sanctioned duties equally. Now with everyone settled and more cabins they could possibly imagine it was time to dig out the rest of their families. They could all agree that even though they created a 'small' family to the masses they were still missing that little bit of blood that connected them.

Everyone prepared for their trek to Polis and brought the essentials they needed. By the time everyone arrived around noon they all started the labored jobs.

"I want the engineers to set up the vehicles we were able to fix and set them up to drag away the rubble. Medical set up tents for stations for hydration and food. Everyone else, I want multiple lines moving these rocks; anything bigger leave it to the rovers." Clarke announces as everyone splits to their proper places.
"Are you excited to see your mom?"
"Not as excited as you are to see your sister. I bet everyone that has survived up here are just as excited or antsy."
"You're right but that doesn't mean your feelings are more or less than everyone else's."
"I should be the one telling you that, either way less chatting more digging. Wolves and Vampires we're doing the heavy lifting but don't overdo it we're all in this together!" Cheers are echoed throughout the mass as now people have come to terms of Skaikru's special traits.

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