Chapter 6 The Heart of the Storm

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Clarke and Bellamy climb down the ladder.

"Finally!" Jasper yells up at them. "What took you so long?"
"Well, there were a few complications."
"Complications? Never mind that go look at Finn." Clarke observes Finn checking his pulse.
"His pulse is weak."
"Bellamy wouldn't let me take out the knife." Jasper looks at the knife wrapped in cloth.
"No, no that's a good thing." Clarke looks Finn over. "Jasper set up water, cloth, and Monty's moonshine."
"I need it for sterilization." Jasper nods then leaves to gather the items.


Thunder roars over camp as the wind picks up. People scramble to tie down the tents and securing various items.

"This is Raven Reyes calling Ark station. Come in Ark station." Raven says as Clarke looks out of the drop ship the wind whipping her hair. "This is Raven Reyes calling Ark station. Please come in." Clarke walks back into the drop ship heading towards Raven. "Can anyone hear me?"
"You sure you have the right frequency?" Some girl asks.
"Yeah I'm sure." Raven snaps.
"Raven? You can do this, ok?" Clarke reassures Raven staring determinedly at her.

Clarke walks back to Finn ripping his shirt off. She looks at the knife lodged into his ribs as she slowly unravels the cloth around the knife.

"Come in Ark station do you read? Please come in, I'm on the ground with the 100." Raven looks at Clarke tears in her throat. "We need you." Clarke looks worriedly at Raven.

The wind getting stronger outside, people start to gather inside.

"Raven? Raven are you there?" Clarke's mom breaks through the radio.
"Mom? Mom it's me." Clarke speaks into the radio.
"One of our people was stabbed by a grounder."
"Clarke, this is the Chancellor. Are you saying there are survivors on the ground?" Jaha breaks through.
"Yes. The Earth is survivable. We're not alone."
"Clarke, is my son with you?" Clarke pauses as she walks back over to Finn.
"Wells is- Wells is dead." Clarke struggles to get the words out. There is a long pause.

"Clarke, we need to hurry." Her mom says urgently. "You guys are in the heart of a storm." Clarke breathes assuming Jaha walked away; processing what Clarke had just said a moment ago.

Jasper walks in with all the supplies and hands them to Clarke.

"Thanks." Clarke smiles softly setting everything up.

Bellamy followed by two people carrying a grounder walk into the drop ship. The boys drop the grounder on the floor as Octavia climbs down the ladder.

"What the hell are you doing?" She asks seeing the grounder that saved her tied up and blind folded.
"It's time to get some answers." Bellamy looks at his sister as Clarke is looking down at the grounder.
"Oh, you mean revenge?" She questions.
"I mean Intel. Get him upstairs." Bellamy looks at the two boys urging them on.
"Bellamy, she's right." Clarke walks up to him.
"Clarke, honey, we're ready. Can you hear me?" Bellamy looks at the radio conflicted.
"Look, this is not who we are." Bellamy looks at the grounder then back at Clarke.
"It is now." He turns around and walks away from her.

"You didn't have to do this." Octavia says climbing upstairs seeing the grounder standing his arms shackled up on each wall.
"This isn't about you." Bellamy looks down at his sister. "We need to know what we're up against. How many there are and why they're killing us." Bellamy looks over as the grounder looks at her with blank eyes. "And he's gonna tell us right now." Bellamy walks over to the grounder.
"No, Bellamy, please." Octavia grabs his arm trying to hold him back.
"Miller, get her out of here." Bellamy moves his arm out of her grasp looking at the dark skinned short black hair guy, with a beanie on.
"I was there!" Miller tries to grab Octavia escorting her out. "No, no get off of me!" The grounder looks at her trying to get out of the shackles. She looks at him and shrugs off Miller. "I don't even think he speaks English. He won't understand you." The grounder looks at her walking away.
"Oh, I think he will." Bellamy looks directly into the grounder's eyes face to face, both of them roughly the same height. The grounder looks at Bellamy dried up blood around his nose and mouth.

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