Chapter 49 The Haunting Ghosts

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"Kane, come in, over."
"What's up, Bellamy?"
"We have a situation."
"What happened?"
"We lost a barrel..."
"What? What about Abby... Raven..."
"They're going to find another way to make the serum. I'm about to leave and head back to Arkadia to check up on my sister."
"Speaking of, we had a situation here..."
"Did something happen to Octavia?!"
"Yes and no."
"God damn it, Kane, just fucking tell me, is she alright?"
"She's alright physically in a sense. Clarke healed her with the ritual however, she's gone rogue."
"What do you mean?"
"Well the darkness was consuming her and she was about to execute Illian in cold blood. Luckily Lincoln got through to her to not kill the boy, but in turn she ran out of Arkadia."
"How could you let her go?" Bellamy growled into the radio.
"I couldn't stop her, but Lincoln went after her. She is more than capable and if anyone can bring her back it is Lincoln." Bellamy sighs.
"You're right... I just wanted to spend some time with whatever we have left with her..."
"I understand, right now I wish I was where you were so I could be with Abby but we all have jobs to do. Right now stay with Clarke and see if there is anything you and her can remember how the serum was made."
"Copy that, we'll try to talk to Selene and Astraios be safe."
"You too."

"Everything alright?" Clarke asks looking up at Bellamy.
"Well looks like you're stuck with me?" Clarke tilts her head to the side questioningly.
"Octavia isn't even in Arkadia."
"Why what happened?"
"Well looks like she tried to kill Illian in cold blood but Lincoln convinced her not to. I want to say he reminded her of your execution. So I assumed she ran away to get away from her problems. I just hope Lincoln can knock some sense into her and maybe, just maybe she'll end up forgiving me..."
"She will. Like I said she'll come around and see how special you are." Bellamy looks down at Clarke and smiles crookedly giving her a side hug. "Come on they're almost here."

The sounds of Helios' hooves echo through the forest as Octavia treads on.


Octavia turns her head looking for anyone around her. She sees a shadow pass by the trees as she stops Helios and climbs down.

Lincoln sees Helios as he walks slowly. Octavia grabs Lincoln putting a blade up to his neck.

"Why are you following me Lincoln?"
"I wanted to make sure you were okay."
"I'm more than capable on my own."
"I know but I care about you and I will follow you to the ends of the Earth." Octavia mounts Helios as Lincoln turns to look at her.
"This isn't you, Octavia."
"Just leave me alone."
"I'm your mate, Octavia, why would I leave you alone?"
"Look, I don't want anything from you, Linc- ahh."
"Ugh! Tripi rein..." (Strange rain...)
"Black rain, quick get on." Octavia helps Lincoln on Helios as she rides to the nearest cave. "There's fresh water come on!" Octavia and Lincoln strip off their clothes splashing the water on their skin.
"What does this mean?"
"It means we're stuck in here till the storm passes. This doesn't mean we have to talk." Lincoln looks at Octavia sadly and sighs. "Why don't you make a fire?"

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