Chapter 15 The Werewolf Within

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"Why not just kill me and get it over with?" Clarke grumbles as she's being pulled by Anya.
"You can tell the Commander what the Mountain Men are doing to us."
"Then let's work together! We don't have to be enemies..." Clarke stops; Anya turns around and looks her in the eyes.
"And unite with someone as weak as you? I have what I need."
"Hey." Clarke stops Anya from walking again. "We want the same thing."
"Get down!" Anya pulls Clarke down as they just miss a dart flying pass their heads and into a tree.
"They found us." Clarke says as they hear the Mountain Men come closer.
"Run!" Clarke grabs the dart as they pass the tree and struggles to keep her balance with her hands tied.

Anya and Clarke stop by a puddle. Clarke cups her hands and scopes up the water.

"No, not for drinking." Clarke glares at Anya.
"Then what?" Anya takes a hand full of mud and slaps it on Clarkes face. "You reek, cover yourself." They both rub mud all over themselves, trying to mask their scent.

Why would our scent make a difference? It's not like they have heighted senses like the people on the Ark...

How Clarke wished her pre-changes would kick in but in the back of her mind she was worried about night fall. Once the full moon is at its highest in the sky she will change.

"They're still following us." Clarke and Anya look down from the tree line.
"Because of you, time to end this." Anya grabs a rock.
"Anya, I'm stepping where you step. I'm covered in mud." Clarke says throwing her hands up desperately. "We're not leaving a trail."
"They're following something." Anya says putting the rock down.
"They're not following us, they're tracking us. Search yourself, if I'm right it should feel like a small bump under your skin." Clarke starts patting herself down as Anya rips down her sleeve revealing a bump under her forearm. "It's you, okay, I can remove it, but I need you to untie my hands. I need something sharp and sterile." Anya bends her head down and rips the tracer out of her arm with her teeth. Clarke looks at her stunned.
"I will not go back there." Anya claims spitting the tracer out.

Clarke gets restless; she needs to turn the situation around. She doesn't know what they will do to her and she is desperate to find her people, to find Bellamy.

"Anya, stop! You're bleeding, at least let me bandage you up before it gets infected." Anya looks down as Clarke jabs her with the dart. Anya collapses to the ground. "I can find my way home from here. Looks like you're my prisoner now." Clarke wraps Anya's hand together as she drifts out of consciousness.

Clarke drags Anya on a make shift stretcher as she walks up to the drop ship. Clarke puts down Anya, while she tries to read the message on the drop ship, faded by rain.

"Anya, wait." Anya swings while Clarke ducks. "Hey." Clarke tries to stop her, Anya giving her a left hook. Clarke picks up a log and swings at Anya. "I don't want to kill you Anya."
"Then you're the one that's going to die." Clarke grabs Anya's knife and swings at Anya. Anya stops Clarke's arm and slashes it, then her stomach. Clarke yells as Anya takes her head and head-butts her. Clarke falls to the ground groaning. Anya charges at Clarke tackling her to the ground. "Ahhhh!" Clarke presses on Anya's wound on her arm as Clarke knocks her knife out of her hand. Clarke grabs a rock and hits Anya in the temple, rolling on top of her continuously punching her in the face. Clarke picks up the knife about to stab Anya, when something in the distance grabs her attention. A balloon floating in the air, Clarke stabs the ground.
"I knew it! He lied! My people are out there!" Clarke gasps.

"Everyone, eyes peeled. We're in grounder territory." Bellamy says as the group treads through the woods, the sun high above them.
"Everything is grounder territory, alright. I can't keep running." Murphy grumbles as they reach a pathway.
"Fall in." They could smell decay in the air as flies surrounded dead carcasses. Bodies of people lay scattered dead.
"Where the hell did they come from?" Murphy asks looking at the bodies as they walk by.
"From the Ark..." Bellamy looks back at Murphy grimacing.
"That's a rough landing." They see part of the Ark crashed into a side of a cliff.

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