Chapter 22 You Are Incredibly Special to Us

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"Sir? We need to get you back inside."
"Don't worry I feel fine, great actually."
"You did it, it worked! The bone marrow treatment."
"We did it Lieutenant." Cage says helping Emerson up after switching his oxygen tank. "The ground is ours."

"Why are you focusing on the dam?" Clarke asks Raven walking into the workshop. "I told you acid fog is our top priority."
"Till Bellamy gets eyes on the dispersal system there is only so much I can do."
"Fine, tell me about the dam. Can we cut off their power?"
"Maybe, I'm still playing with a few things."


"How many of these did you make?"
"Only two so far."
"Two? That's not enough. There will be reapers everywhere."
"High frequency tone generators don't grow on trees, Clarke. Wick is scrounging for parts!"
"Raven, I'm about to leave for Ton D.C. where Lexa and the heads of all twelve grounder clans are waiting for me to tell them we're a go. Only we are not a go because they still have acid fog and we only have two tone generators."

"Back up everyone!" Armed guards yell waltzing in the dorms pushing the six backwards. They grab Harper.
"No not her, she needs more time to recover. This one." The doctor points to Steve as they grab him.
"No, wait, wait!"
"Stop!" Jasper yells. "You can't keep doing this to us. There is only six of us here what are you going to do when we're not enough?" The doctor steps in front of Jasper. "President Wallace said we can go."
"That President Wallace is no longer in command." Jasper's eyes grow wide. "He had to step down for health reasons. I'm sorry it has to be like this. I hope you know you all are incredibly special to us."

Bellamy crawls through the ventilation system with Clarke and Raven instructing him. Raven looks over the map on the glass Clarke drew.

"He should be here."
"Bellamy we think you're close, the lab should be up ahead."
"Any chance you could be more specific?" Bellamy asks looking at multiple pathways. Raven and Clarke look at each other than at the map.


"Never mind I got this." Bellamy says following the noise. Bellamy looks through one of the vents seeing the doctor drill into Steve.
"Is that a drill?" Raven asks focusing on the sound.
"Bone marrow extraction..." Clarke whispers in realization.

"Are you ready for the last treatment you'll ever need Lieutenant?"
"You have no idea."

"That's Emerson!"

"What about this she can beat our acid fog and reapers? Did she say anything that might help us prevent it?"


"Stop drilling please."
"The window of extraction after death is incredibly short." Bellamy grinds his teeth now knowing Steve is dead.
"She did say she was coming after you and if we let her people go, she'll let our people live."
"Well it's a little late for that. Apparently there is a war council meeting happening tonight in a village all of their leaders will be there."
"Let me take a team out."
"No let one of our men go out, it will be less likely for him to be spotted if he's alone."
"Sir, Wakeman's good but he can't take out that many target alone."
"Which is why we're going to use the missile."

"Please tell me you heard all of that."
"We did. I'm on my way now to warn them. Be safe."
"You too."
"Clarke, Octavia's in Ton D.C. for the meeting, why didn't you tell him?"
"Bellamy can't be distracted. It helps no one."
"Hey." Raven says grabbing Clarke into an embrace. "I know this is hard for you and you're trying your best, just... don't get blown up I actually like you as one of my alphas instead of the Chancellor and the council. Unlike them you're willing to risk your life and make the hard decisions." Clarke nods not knowing what else to say before she leaves.

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