Chapter 2 Saving and Destroying Us

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Clarke sat down on a log with her right elbow resting on her knee cupping her cheek by the fire watching the flames dance. Her long blonde wavy hair fell at each side of her face contemplating how the hell they were all going to survive. She then felt someone sit next to her. She looked over and rolled her eyes seeing a familiar dark skinned short cropped black hair, dark brown eyes, and tall average build. Wells looked into the fire then at Clarke.

"What are you thinking about?" He asked quirking an eyebrow.
"Wouldn't you want to know?"
"That's why I asked. Clarke I haven't spoken to you since you got locked up and I'm trying here."
"Well I don't need you to try. I can't forgive you for floating my father, even if you were my best friend." She exhales standing up walking back to the drop ship. She curled up in a corner and drifted off to sleep.
"I need to talk to you." Bellamy says towering over Wells sitting.
"Well let's just say it's about the well-being of our people." Bellamy smirks eyeing him up.
"Fine." Wells gets up and walks with Bellamy.

They stop at the bottom of a rocky hill looking at each other.

"So talk." Wells says crossing his arms.
"Look I lied, I need you to talk off that wristband." Bellamy says looking at Wells' wrist.
"Didn't you hear Clarke, these let our people back on the Ark know we're alive. Don't you want the rest of our people to come down to the ground knowing that it's survivable?"
"Do you honestly think the council is really willing to pardon all of us for our crimes? I think not. You and the Princess will be set. But what about the rest of us? People who aren't privileged? They will come down and lock us up again, and I wouldn't doubt they would be willing to kill us as well."
"I'm not taking off the wristband."
"I thought you would say that." Bellamy pulls out a gun from the back of his pants lobbing it to the side. Wells eyes grew as he steps back and turns to walk away, only to be stopped by a few boys grabbing him at his arms. Murphy comes over and pries open the wristband with his make shift knife.

The next day Clarke checks on Octavia's wound seeing it heal nicely.

"Okay, your leg is looking great almost healed; you're from the werewolf race correct?"
"Yes, how did you know?" Octavia asked.
"Well, due to our slow healing process means you lack the essentials to regenerate whether you're a werewolf or a vampire. However, you're not wearing a daylight ring which is a big indication and with the lack of nutrients both races are basically human. We need to find food for all of us..." Clarke trailed off wondering how Jasper is.
"You're very observant." Octavia states in astonishment, that Clarke could tell so much with little information.
"Well my mom is a doctor and I learned everything I know from her. Especially when I got hurt by accident when I was younger playing with Wells. I wasn't regenerating quickly enough, which worried my mother. She then found out it was because I lacked the essentials from food to regenerate quickly. That's how she discovered us being practically human. Of course when the curse activates everything changes... Vampires had it easier they were already changed. Even though when they had their initial turning it was quite painful but that was it. Besides the long lasting thirst, their senses heightened, they barely needed oxygen, but they could still function like a human. So I've been told."

"Curse? Changes? You're also a werewolf?"
"Yeah, like vampires we regenerate ten times quicker than humans, whether or not we have food in our bodies although it does help tremendously. But like I said since we lacked the essential intake our bodies heal almost as slow as humans. Werewolves get stronger, faster, and our senses heighten just like vampires. This is what we learned back on the Ark, but I've never experienced it myself. Do you know how the curse is activated? Seeing as you may have not known about these things." Clarke questioned.
"No, how?" Octavia asks shaking her head.
"It's activated once a young werewolf takes a life, any breathing life form. It can be activated as early as the age of 16." Octavia gasps eyes growing wide.

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