Chapter 48 Overcoming Obstacles

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"Not black rain

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"Not black rain." Jasper comments walking towards Jaha as the rain falls upon Arkadia slowly putting out the fires.
"When it comes it'll be colorless."
"How are we gonna know?"
"Pain, chaos, death."
"Same old, same old." Jasper says looking at everyone coughing and covered in soot. "Jeez, cheer up, Jaha. Once you accept there's nothing to be done, there's nothing to worry about. These things are fun, and fun is good." Jasper starts to walk away. "Dr. Seuss." Jaha looks at Jasper's retreating back before flipping the medallion in his hand.

Illian sits in the dark empty holding cell with nothing but a low glow of the emergency lights. Murmurs head towards him as they become louder and angrier. People rush towards the cell clipping the wires that hold it shut. Illian stands up punching through people who charge at him. More people rush in attacking Illian from all sides as Kane rushes in.

"Get off of him." Kane yells throwing people off then pulls out a gun. "I will shoot the next person who touches this man! So help me!" Kane looks everyone in the eyes as they back off, Illian huddled in the fetal position on the ground. "Good choice."

Fuel levels critical and dropping fast.

"No, no, no, no, no..."

Warning. Warning.

"Come on!"

Warning. Warning.

"Come on! No!"

Brace for impact.

"No, no, no, no. No, no, no, no!"


Mission fail. Exterior damage 100%. Cargo destruction 100%. Fatality 100%.

"Way to go, Raven." Murphy says over the radio. "Nuclear death wave 42 and all races zero.
"You want to get in here and try it?"
"Nah, kinda busy, actually. Anyway, wouldn't want to be responsible for everyone in the world dying."
"Abby said you had to watch. Pay attention 10 barrels of hydrazine is all we have left at Arkadia. If there was more I wouldn't have a problem landing." Raven grimaces as another wave of headaches sweep by her. "Damn it, ugh!"
"You okay in there?"
"I'm running it again."
"Sure, 28th time is the charm, right?"
"Restart simulation."

Clarke sits up in bed looking at her drawings on the wall. Pictures of everyone litter her walls most of them of Bellamy. Clarke sighs pulling on her shirt.

"Don't you ever sleep?" Clarke stands up turning to look at Bellamy's bare chest.
"I could ask you the same thing."
"Everyone needs rest, Clarke, even saviors." Clarke smirks as she walks over to their chair grabbing her pants. "There she goes."
"I have to and so do you, we're going to the island today to take rocket fuel to my mom and Raven, so they can go to space to make Night blood. It's now officially our only hope." Bellamy sits up the covers falling just above his hips.
"It's unfortunate that guy destroyed our home, I wish I was there to stop him."
"It's not your fault, besides, now we don't have to worry about locking almost all of our people out when the death wave comes, or sharing it with Azgeda."
"We are everyone's leaders now, not just the werewolf and the vampire clans but all of the human race. We've saved more than we can count and I believe we will get through this." Bellamy says standing up, bear for Clarke to see as she turns her head. "Yes, we have more responsibilities, but we give them hope." Bellamy turns her face to look at him, Clarke sighs revealing in his touch as he pulls her towards him. "I love you, you know that right?"
"What is it?"
"What if we fail?"
"We won't."
"But what if we do?"
"Then I'll spend my last moments with you, my mate, my other half, my everything."
"You're starting to get cheesier and cheesier by each passing day. Not to mention territorial."
"What can I say, you make me this way." Bellamy pulls Clarke into a kiss as she sighs wrapping her arms around his neck. Bellamy pushes himself flush to Clarke as she moans into his mouth.
"Bellamy... We have to go..."
"They can wait; they're determining the damages of the Ark as we speak. All we have to do is show up and they give us the run down. Let me spend a little more time with you alone." Bellamy says gripping Clarke's waist.
"We really shouldn't, we should get everything ready for the journey."
"We will but right now I want to be with my mate." Bellamy nips at her bottom lips as Clarke rolls her eyes. He moves to her neck sucking deeply on the spot by her ear. She moans her legs growing weak. Bellamy catches her wrapping her legs around his waist.

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