Chapter 49

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I awoke late the next day with another body still clung to mine. My whole body aching for reasons which I didn't know, I was absolutely exhausted.

A knock was heard from the front door, so I slid out of Luke's grip and padded out of my room, the cold floor hitting my feet. I rushed downstairs, feeling half asleep. I opened the door to Beau, he smiled and walked past me into the kitchen. "Morning, well afternoon." I said to him, he slightly smiled leaning back onto the counter yawning as he did.

"Luke still asleep?" He asked and I nodded. "I am so so tired." He added.

"Me too, I feel so achy."

"I don't want to know why you're aching." He said.

I rolled my eyes whilst laughing. "Not for any reasons like that."

He lifted his brows. "Sure."

"Have you come round for any reason, other than to hassle me?" I said obviously joking.

"Was wondering if you wanted to come to the tattoo shop, I wanna get another one," he said. "But obviously you're busy so no worries."

"No, I'll come!" I said, "Give me five minutes I'll get ready."

• • • •

I sat beside Beau getting inked in the chair as I flipped through many tattoos in booklets and one caught my eye, it was beautiful. A rose shoulder tattoo. It was so delicate and pretty. My eyes scanned the tattoo over and over as I pulled out my phone snapping a photo of it.

"What are you snapping over there?" Beau asked.

"A photo of a tattoo." I replied.

"Show me." He asked as I turned the book over to show him, he smiled. "That's really nice."

I nod in agreement as my back pocket started vibrating, expecting it to be Luke I pulled it out and walked outside to take it. The number wasn't Luke's, it was Maisys.

"Hello!" I said in excitement.

"April!" She yelled down the phone. "Where are you?"

"I'm just in town. Why?"

"I'm at yours!"

"What? Why aren't you at home? This is so random, why are you here?"

"I'm visiting a few family members, thought I would come down to you and see you, but only your boyfriend is here." She said. "You're still together?" She asked.

"Yeah, I have so much to tell you! I'll be home soon, stay there."

"Okay! I will. Bye."

I walked back inside and explained to Beau that I had to go as Maisy had randomly turned up.

• • • •
I walked home and to my luck Luke opened the door, his sleepy eyes met mine as he slightly smiled. "Hello babe." He muffled sending me a kiss on the lips.

"Did she wake you up?" I asked.

"Yeah," He yawned. "Doesn't matter. But I'm going back to sleep." He said as I nodded whilst he made his way back upstairs.

I then practically run into the living room and pounced on Maisy as she clung to my body tightly. "I've missed you so much!" She said.

"Me too!" I said pulling away. "How are you?!"

"I'm good. You?"

"Very good."

"So that's the famous boyfriend. Can't believe you're still together."

"It's been a year." I said. Still in awe myself that Luke and I had been together that long.

"That's crazy!" She said her eyes wide.

"Charlie?" I dared to ask about the boyfriend who I remembered to be an coward who hit her before, whom she still stayed with after.

She crossed her head. "I ended it."

"Really?" I said in disbelief.

"Yeah! Honestly. Single." She said.

"No way! Why?"

"I had enough of the anger he held. I'm speaking to someone called Jay. He's really nice and I'm happy."

"How long have you spoke for?"

"About two months." She smiled.

"Why didn't you tell me you two split up."

"I don't know. I've been so busy, April. College and work have overtaken my life." She sighed. "That's why I haven't called. I really should've."

I nodded in agreement, understanding her reasons for distance. But I was truly happy for her. She was happy and out of the relationship I didn't like at all. "So, tell me more about Jay!"

• • • •

Maisy finally left. It was late afternoon and Luke was still in bed. Maisy and I's conversation had opened my eyes on how lucky I was that I had someone who fully loved me and hadn't ever hurt me, he truly loved and cared for me more than any other boy had ever before, maybe even anyone apart from Linsday. I went upstairs and opened the door to the sleeping body in my bed, I walked towards the bed to his beautiful face eyes closed and hair a mess, white shirt on his chest and one arm under his head.

I lay down beside him placing my arm over his body carefully. "Hello." He mumbled. Smiling lightly.

"Sorry if I woke you." I said quickly.

"No, I was waiting for you. Come here." He said pressing his body against mine lightly leaning forward connecting our lips.

"Luke," I mumbled.


"I really love you. Really really love you."

He smiled. "So do I April. So do I."

• • • •

Shitty short chapter needed to update for u all. If u watched my younow you'll know why I've been off. Hope u all understand. If not I'll explain in another one to more of you guys

I AM BACK NOW. regular updates will be back! I PROMISE. My head space is ready for you all.

Love u all. X x

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