Chapter 7

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"Well, April. I mean it when you're out there you give my boys a big hug from me." Gina smiled.

"I will, Gina." I smirked back.

"Good." She said as she lent forward to grab her tea. "So, wow. One week, well actually no only around three days now? Are you excited?"

I nodded in response frantically. "Of course."

"So, Lindsay told me about the plan. Luke's going to have a shock isn't he!" She laughed.

"Yes, he sure is!" I exclaimed waiting for Lindsay to return from the toilet.

"You do love my son, very much don't you?" She smiled.

"I've never loved someone so much." I said as my heart lifted.

"I know, I can see it. The way you act around each other isn't a way someone would act with a friend, like you do with the others. It's special," She said as she stirred her spoon in her cup. "It wasn't like that with mine and the boys dad, at first it was. I loved him more than anything and anyone. When Beau came along, all was good. We were a family. Then the others came and then it changed- then well, it all happened. Then he left. I guess what I'm saying is, keep holding on with him, I've never seen him so happy with a girl."

I smirked and looked down into my own cup, the fact that his mum liked me was a good thing and also she saw something in me and Luke, something amazing and insightful.

"I will hold on, don't worry."

She nodded, "Promise me something?"


"I know you may not be together twenty years from now, but who knows... When Luke acts

the way he does, I know he's a dick sometimes," She laughed as did I. "Never give up on him, or yourself." She said as she went back to her tea.

"I promise." I whispered, she looked up from her cup.

"Oh, I'm so glad he met you, Miss.April Maiden." She grinned while letting out a slight chuckle.

"I'm so glad I met you all too Miss.Gina Brooks." I cackled back.

I started to reflect on how me and Gina had first met, I had seen her before I had even seen my auntie again and even before the boys. She was the one who knew about my problems from day one, she saw the cuts on the first day I came here, and who knew the three boys she was in a rush to get home too would actually be a huge part in my life.

I then noticed, I do have a family. These are my family, Lindsay, Gina and the boys are my unit. They have stuck with me from day one.

"Thanks for saving my life, I never really thanks you enough." I blurted as she looked back up.

"What do you mean?"

"You and Lindsay rescued me from my mums, if you didn't go with her then who knows where I would be now," I said as she stared at me. "Probably dead in a gutter somewhere."

"Well, you're not so lets not think of that. You're here now, where you ought to be, home."

I smiled gently. "You're right."

• • • •

Work killed me next day, it was my last working day, tomorrow I had off, then the day after I was packing then I'd be leaving.

Time had been passing fast, it was making me slightly anxious. I turned to Robin who was serving a customer beside me. "I'll miss you."

She looked at me, "You too."

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