Chapter 3

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Luke's POV

We walked down the red carpet, cameras snapping at us from all angles as we pulled silly faces together.

It was amazing we actually got invited to things like this, April would love this, if she actually had the confidence to put on a dress, and walk down a carpet and have her photos taken. Not that she'd have to wear a dress, hell she could walk down in jeans and a shirt for all I'd care. Also, she just wouldn't any way, she always says she shouldn't come to things like these as she's my girlfriend, not part of my carer and she wouldn't want anyone thinking she was in it for the wrong reasons.

I mentally spammed myself, I was doing it again, thinking about April way to much. James nudged me, while we entered the venue, to watch the premiere of a film.

"You alright?" James asked me as I nodded, "Hmm, save my seat. I've got something to do." He told me as he rushed off somewhere.

• • • •

James POV

I rushed off to a bathroom, I needed to call April, Luke's misery over her this month was insane.

It rang for a moment, and I remembered the time zones, hopefully it wasn't to late or early over there.

"Hello?" She spoke.

"Hello." I replied.

"Hello?" She spoke in a tone that showed she couldn't hear me.

"April? Can you hear me-it's James."

"Yeah, yeah I can hear you. What's up? Isn't it late over there?"

"We're at a premiere."

"Oh, yeah Luke was telling me about that."

"Yeah, about Luke." I whispered. "He's missing you like crazy... We all are. When are you coming to visit?"

I heard her sigh loudly, "James, to tell you the truth. I don't think I am. He says he misses me, but it's been five months and you're telling me, he hasn't even looked at another girl and wanted to kiss her or something," She spoke, I could hear it was upsetting her. "He won't want me now. He moved away with you all, it's been five months."

"April, for fuck sake, he loves you with every inch of his body, I mean he was crying last night, saying how hard it was being out here. We all miss you, as for Luke... He loves you just as much as he did when we were home."

"Really?" She choked.

"Yes... Now please, how much money have you saved?"

"Nearly enough to come out there, I just need some more to spend and help with food."

"Oh... Alright. Well please, work your little butt off, it will be worth it. You'll see when you're here that he loves you."

"Alright, I will. See you soon," She lightly laughed.

"Alright bye."

"Wait James-"


"Uhm, look after Luke for me, and don't tell him. I want to come out so he doesn't expect it."

I laughed, "That would be so good."

We soon ended the phone call and I made it back into the venue, the film had already started, but I didn't mind. I had got some rest of mind on April coming too see us, we all missed her so much.

All of us for the first four months didn't speak a word about her, we tried to keep Luke's mind off her. Jai had been calling her almost everyday though. But this month, we all realised how long we had been here for and knew we all are missing her like crazy.

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