Chapter 48

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Luke's POV

Her white gown dropped onto the floor, her eyes slightly glancing at me side to side, her long hair curled at the ends ever so slightly and her makeup so detailed onto her face. As the audience watched us from behind, I just knew. I knew that I was so so engulfed in her and she mattered to me more than anyone ever had. Her blue eyes slightly glistened underneath the light in the room and I watched her lips move as she expressed her love for me while small tears flew from her eyes.

My hands now slightly shaking as with every word she muttered I couldn't even hear, I felt like I had zoned out and nothing she said mattered because I already knew how much she loved me that she didn't need to stand here, dressed in white, with a rose bouquet in her hands to tell me how much she did. Her shaky breath paused and she lightly looked up at me again, tears streaming on my face as I looked down at our entwined hands, her arms clean and her scars faded, she was better now the years had passed from our teenage lives.

"Luke," The vicar said. "Do you take April Maiden, to be your lawful wedded wife?"

As the crowd watched in awe, I looked at the beautiful girl in front of me. Knowing she was better now, she looked vibrant today. As my mum sat in the crowd slightly crying and the boys watched intently I opened my mouth and said so confidently, like I had waited my whole life to say those two words.

"I do."

I woke from my deep sleep and my first good dream of April in a long time and looked at the sleeping body beside me as my alarm rocketed the blasting sounds of agony. I sat up quickly and watched as April rubbed her eyes and rolled over, glancing at me. "Home time." She whispered.

She sat up beside me and I wrapped my arm around her pulling her against my side. "I just had a dream about us." I said looking at her.

"What happened?"

"We were getting married."

She laughed slightly. "This better not be your way of proposing."

I laughed back. "No, no! Way to young for that! You did look beautiful though."

"Well, I'm sure you did too."

• • • •

Crying was the motion of the house as we said our goodbyes to the boys at the front door. Beau couldn't help himself but give me dirty glances as I pulled out suitcases out of the door, I knew he didn't like this one bit but I couldn't stop it now, I too wanted to go home to see my mum and family.

We hurried into the car, well I did, April slowly walked away from the house while waving back to the boys for the last time. We got into the car finally and I pulled her against me, kissing her head gently as she wiped away her tears, she had no clue when she was going to be seeing them all again. We were driven to the airport and as we usually do, we rushed through customs, searches and check in as quick as we could as we both hated it. We sat down in a small café inside the airport and had a hot drink. Aprils little hands wrapped around her large mug of hot chocolate as she stared down at all of the rushing visitors of the airport, her eyes wide and blank.

"Are you excited to see Lindsay?" I asked as her head stayed looking down at the people below.

"Yeah, are you excited about seeing your mum?"

"Yeah, I really am. Do you want to come and see my Nonna and Nonno with me again? They really liked you and it's been way too long since you met them."

"That sounds good, it would be good to see them again." She smiled slightly now turning her head towards me.

"I think Beau's pissed at me." I spoke.

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