Chapter 16

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Aprils POV

Some time had passed and I had been to America for around two weeks now. The weather was still amazing and I was really enjoying myself. Luke had been acting strangely recently but I decided to just leave it and if he had something to say then he would tell me.

I was currently brushing my teeth and staring at my reflection in the mirror. I then called Lindsay and gave her a goodnight and that I loved and missed her, she actually started crying and said she was going through a rough time at the moment because of work and things. I felt bad I was all the way out here and she was suffering, but she had Gina.

I went downstairs and found the boys all slumped around, Daniel was fast asleep along with James. I took a seat next to Jai, he smiled at me and lent his head on my shoulder, we stared at the TV screen.

"What time are Beau and Luke home?" I hummed.

"Not sure. They can take up to three hours food shopping." Jai laughed.

It went silent for a while before Jai started talking again. "How are you then, we haven't had the chance to speak." He asked.

"Good," I hummed. "Really good actually."

"That's what I like to hear, I think you're getting better you know. I can tell."

"How?" I asked.

"You're smiling and laughing all the time now, you just seem like without all the stress of home you've taken time to concentrate on making yourself happy."

"Yeah, yeah maybe you're right."

I smiled and watched the screen still, I was really happy recently being here. I felt on top of myself and I could control my feelings and because I couldn't self harm here I felt a weight off my shoulders and felt really clean and healthy. I felt like maybe, just maybe I could even try and stop it all together.

As we watched the TV for a while Jai ended up falling asleep on my shoulder, I felt my eyes weigh down too, they flickered open and shut numerous amounts of times. I then slowly felt my body weigh down into the sofa.

• • • •

Luke's POV

My body was knackered, I was so tired. Beau and I had been shopping for over two hours and now we were finally home. Beau parked the car and when we stopped, we both sighed as we knew we'd now have to carry the food inside.

We finally got out and grabbed as many bags as we possibly could, we went to the door and unlocked it. We walked in and it was all silent, I peered into the living room and everyone was fast asleep. I smiled as Jai and April were fast asleep on eachother, I didn't get irritated or jealous because I knew she only wanted me, she wasn't like that.

It took us a few trips to the car and back to get all the food, once done I lent on the counter and sighed. Beau looked up at me as he rummaged through the bags.

"I'll unpack, you go get yourself to bed." He smiled at me, I smiled back and felt a relief as I didn't have to stay up any longer.

"Really? Are you sure?" I asked.

"Mhm, you look so tired." He said.

"Thank you so much." I laughed. I got off the counter and walked back into the living room, I crept next to April and slowly tapped her shoulder. It didn't work so I had to shake her slightly, making Jai's head shake too.

"April." I whispered as I saw head tilt to my direction and her eyes slowly open and shut. She squinted and rested her eyes on mine, she instantly smiled.

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