Chapter 10

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Aprils POV

After hours of endless talking and a huge grin on both of our faces we had noticed how late it was, "We should get some sleep." I said to Luke.

"But, we have so much to talk about." He replied.

"Luke, we've been awake for hours." I said as he sighed.

"Your right, you've been on a long flight."

I had quickly gone down a few hours before and got my suitcase, I clambered from Luke's bed and walked over to it rooting down for something to wear to bed.

I grabbed a shirt and my pyjama shorts and raised my finger to Luke. "One second." I said about to dash off to the bathroom.

"You should get dressed in here." He snarled.

I rolled my eyes and laughed, before walking out and finding the bathroom eventually. It was huge and the bath was gigantic, it seemed to be a kind of hot tub looking one.

I locked the door and quickly got changed and held my old clothes in my arms, I then made my way back to the room, just then Beau came up from the end of the hallway. "Night." I called as he looked up at me.

"Night, April. I'm still so happy you're here." He smiled as he held his grip on a door handle.

"Me too." I smiled as he nodded and walked into his own room.

Walking down further I walked back into Luke's room and threw my clothes back into my case and walked over to the bed, I got under the sheets and Luke turned to me.

"I've been waiting months to sleep with you." He grinned. "Oh, and to fuck you, obviously, six months without sex how did we survive?" He said pretending to be shocked.

"I survived fine actually."

"Oh really," He said as I nodded. He lent over me and kissed me quickly before pulling back. "But maybe we shall have to survive another night, because one of us is tired."

"Sorry." I laughed at him, he didn't expect me to do anything though.

We shuffled in more and Luke hit a switch near his bed and the lights went off, he grabbed my slightly in the darkness making me laugh because he couldn't see where his hands were.

"I can't believe you're here." I heard him grunt.

"Same here."

I then felt his breath fan against my cheek and he slowly moved his mouth above mine before lowering himself. Butterfly's erupted in my stomach as I felt the feelings I hadn't felt in months, the feelings I craved for all this time. His lips moved gently against mine.

His hands wandered else where, his large fingers dug into my back and then gently held it. I ran my hands through his hair as he lent back and quickly kissed my forehead. "I love you." He grinned widely. "I'm still in shock though."

I smiled back, "I love you too." I said. I had been waiting to speak to him easily like this, speaking over the phone once in a while wasn't the best.

He then slumped beside me again and grabbed my body quickly and pulled me into him, he hugged me slightly tight like he was worried this was all a dream and I would fade away and moment now. "Oh fuck I've been waiting for this." He said once more as the heat of our bodies radiated between us.

Luke's POV

"Me too." She replied as she was pressed against my body.

My heart was thumping so fast, I was still in shock. I had calmed myself down on the outside but on the inside I was still going crazy. I felt as if I was dreaming and I would wake up any moment now and she wouldn't be here anymore.

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