Chapter 8

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Today was the day, it was morning time and my flight was leaving in two hours, I had spent the previous day packing and now I was up and checking through luggage. My flight was fourteen and a half hours long, I had worked out the times and I should arrive in LA quite late at night and even possibly early hours of the morning.

I hadn't spoken to Luke since he lied to me on the phone, which I was still very pissed off about but I had to let that go now. I had spoken to James and he said he was sleeping for a bit then was going to set an alarm two hours before he was supposed to pick me up, I thanked God when he told me it wasn't a long drive at all from the airport to their house.

James had sent me photos of the house and I was shocked to see how large it was. I couldn't contain my excitement now and I was just waiting for time to pass. James had told me how hard it was keeping this a secret but he was going to try and keep all of the boys up except Luke, that's if he could.

"April." I heard Lindsay coo from the other side of my door while gently knocking.

"Yes?" I called as the door creaked open, I turned my head and stopped my hands rummaging through my case.

"Someone's here to see you, Robin is it?" She said as she turned to look at who I presume was now Robin and turned back. "Robin." She laughed.

"Send her in."I chuckled and went back to my case, I heard her come in and the door shut.

"So, how long till you leave?" She asked as I turned around and sat on my bed.

"Well, about half an hour. My flight leaves in two." I said as she sighed and sat beside me.

"Me and Pete broke up," She said as her mood fell. "I broke it off, I'm not anyone's doll."

"Oh, shit. I'm so sorry, do you think you'll get back together?"

She shrugged. "Probably, which is stupid." I didn't reply because from what I knew of Pete, he was slightly a dick. She rubbed the back of her neck and then smiled, "Anyway, let's not talk about that. Your going to LA!"

"I know, I'm so excited, Robin. I am sorry I'm leaving though. I feel so bad because I know you'll have to work without me."

"No worries, we haven't even known each other that long. But when you get back, we should spend more time together, like out of work." She smiled.

"Yes, we should. I'll miss you though, even if we haven't known each other that long." I said as she nodded.

"Good, well text me when you land, text me when I'm bored on the early mornings at work, you know the drill." She chuckled. "But I have to go now, mums waiting outside, I just ran in to say have fun and I'll see you soon." She told me as she stood up, as I followed.

"Thanks for coming, I'll see you soon." I said as she sighed.

"You too, bye." She quickly hugged me and then rushed off.

I stood there for a moment before I heard Lindsay call me and say it was time to go, Gina was here too. "Alright I'm coming!" I called back.

I took one last look at my room, the one I had spent crying and lazing around in constantly, the next time I come back I'll be more stable and full of happiness because I would have filled the gap back up inside. I dragged my suitcase off my bed then along the floor before taking one last look, turning off the light then shutting the door.

I wasn't exactly quick getting down the stairs because of my case, Lindsay and Gina were laughing at me struggling before finally helping me. We then locked up and walked out to get into the cars, shoving my case into boot and the rest of my bags were beside me in the back seat.

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