Chapter 43

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I left the hospital feeling much more relaxed that I had taken the pill and now had nothing to worry about. I was walking down the street so I could go and catch a taxi. My phone was buzzing in my pocket, I pulled it out expecting it to be Luke but the phone number had been blocked. I swiped the phone and didn't speak a word as I held it to my phone. It was all silent for a moment so I chirped up. "Hello?"

"Hello, April, long time no speak." I felt instantly sick, my stomach churned inside and my legs became weak. I felt myself needing to already burst out in tears. I hung up the phone and ran further down the street and into a taxi.

I arrived home and I no longer felt safe. Why had he called me? Had he hurt Lindsay again? I hadn't heard from my father in a long time and now he had my number. The phone kept ringing and ringing and it was him but I couldn't answer. I knew his voice. I knew it was him and I was frightened.

Luke came running out of the kitchen when I burst through the door and instantly looked for him for comfort I was crying and couldn't stop. It may seem stupid that I was upset but it was because he had just called me unexpectedly and I was worried.

"April? April!" Luke said as he came over and hugged me. "What happened?"

"It's my dad." I blurted into his shoulder.

"What? Is he here? How the fuck did he find you!"

"No, he called me."

"What did he say?"

"Nothing, I'm just scared. He keeps calling me." I pointed to my vibrating phone lying on the sofa.

Luke stormed over to it and picked it up. "Listen you sick prick, leave her alone! Leave all of them alone, you won't get away with this, not again!"

"Luke!" I said as I grabbed the phone from him and hung it up. "You'll make him angry!"

"I'm trying to help?" He questioned.

"I know, I'm sorry."

Luke hugged me again and I calmed down, I didn't feel safe again. I felt like he could see us right now, even though he didn't. What if Luke's harsh words had angered him and he had gone to Lindsay?

I called Lindsay straight away but she didn't seem scared or cautious. I told her about what happened and to leave the house immediately and go to Gina's I wouldn't have her home while he was out.

• • • •

Luke sat me down and made me dinner, his words almost non-existent. I felt like I had ruined the day. I knew it wasn't my fault but in a way I shouldn't have acted like I had. I was just scared.

"He's not going to hurt you, you know?" Luke said as he placed a plate of spaghetti down in front of me.

"How are you so sure?"

"Because I won't let him." He replied. "I'll do anything to protect you, I'd let him hurt me over you."

"Well, let's just home this whole thing won't come to that, let's just hope he's called me to be a dick."

• • • •

Lindsay's POV.

"I'm fine, I promise, April." I cooed down the phone as April cried.

"Are you sure? Go to Gina's house. It's safe there."

"Okay. I will, just forget about this, it's alright."

"Okay, stay safe. I love you."

"I love you too."

I hung the phone up and rushed upstairs packing a bag of clothes for Gina's. I called Gina and let her know what had happened and that I was coming to stay.

I rushed down the stairs and got to the door just as I placed my hand on the handle someone on the other side knocked, loudly.

I slowly took steps back and looked at the dark figure behind the door through the glass. I slowly made my way upstairs but the pounds got larger and heavier.

I rushed into my bedroom and hid under the bed, I gripped my phone in my hand ready to dial the police but just as I was about to, I could hear footsteps in the distance, coming up the stairs.

• • • •

Luke's POV

April lay fast asleep on my shoulder as the film played out on the television. My hand slowly ran through the ends of her hair, I had calmed her down after hours of her worrying about Lindsay, she was so worried about her but I assured her she would be with my mum and safe by now and most likely fast asleep.

Now she was asleep I took sometime to reflect on the situation and how it had to mess up again, everything seemed to be going perfect. April was slowly but surely getting so much better, she had not a single cut on her body, she smiled a hell of a lot more, we celebrated our first anniversary together and we was even considering taking our relationship further by talking about getting our own apartment. Now it just seemed obvious that it was the perfect time to come and mess it up. April was viciously scratching her wrist earlier on from overthinking about the situation, which made my insides twist.

Her slightly puffy eyes were now closed and I was happy she was asleep and dreaming. The world being blocked out for her, even if it was just a few hours.

I couldn't ever imagine myself without her now, she has added something into my life which has brought the world to a whole new perspective. You know fans are depressed and self harmers, but I have never fully grasped the understanding of it. I always just thought that I wouldn't ever know truly why people get to the point of that. April represents all the fans who are like her. It warms my heart that I can now see and understand why they're like it and I have a damn more love for them all now I truly get it. I only had April to thank for that, because now, I can look after her and my thousands of other girls.

I gently pressed a kiss to her slightly frowned forehead before closing my eyes and drifting off.

• • • •

Gina's POV

I felt like something was wrong. Lindsay told me she had to stay at mine, which was an hour ago and she said she would be five minutes. I found myself driving round there quickly. When I arrived all lights were off except the living room, I walked to the window to peek through and to my shock I saw a man all dressed in black. I instantly felt sick, I fumbled with my phone knowing instantly who it was.

The police where here in a second after calling them, they instantly got in the house and raided it.

Aprils dad was instantly handcuffed and arrested as he walked out he glanced at me, sending me a disgusting smile as I examined his knuckle which had a slight scuff to it with blood splatters. I instantly panicked and years gushed out of my eyes, Lindsay was next to walk out, she was holding her nose and ran towards me. "I knew something was wrong."

"Thank you, you saved my life," She panted.

"What did he do to you?"

"Thankfully," She breathed. "He only punched me in the nose. But he was ready to do more, he wants April back."

"But surely he can't, they're arresting him?"

"He said he's got people on the outside that could easily get her." She cried.

"Do they know where you live?"

She nodded frantically. I sighed. "Do they know where I live?"

She shook her head in reply. "No, why?"

"Then you're moving in with me."

"No, I can't, it's not fair." She replied. Just as I went to speak back, an officer walked over and asked Lindsay if she could come down to the station.

• • • •


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