Chapter 18

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Aprils POV

I walked upstairs, still thinking about the two girls. They didn't seem to happy about me being there, their eyes never left me. I wasn't one to judge though they might be two really nice girls, but at the moment it felt like I'd never get the chance to even say hello to them because I was always somehow stopped.

I wandered down the hallway and came to a halt outside the door, I walked inside the bedroom to find Luke not even inside. I sighed and rolled down on the bed and literally a few moments later the door flew open.

I jumped up quickly and saw Luke ramble in, slamming the door behind him. He looked at me and pulled a funny face. "Look who's home." He said. "Where did you go this morning?"

"I just had to get out." I said to him as he nodded.

"Well, get up because me and you are going out now." He smiled.


"Dinner." He told me as he bent down and did up his shoes, he was already ready to leave he had just been waiting for me to come back.

"Oh. Alright." I said as I got up off the bed and over to him. He then bent back up and lent forward and kissed me quickly.

"Thanks for looking after me last night, I'm sorry for freaking out, I had a really bad dream." He swallowed.

"It's fine, are you alright now?" I asked as he nodded.

We soon left the bedroom, Luke was in front and was telling me a story about Beau falling over earlier in the day and was laughing, his smile just plastered over his face, as he walked down the stairs he kept looking behind him while he was speaking. "And then, he got up and literally cried, but he didn't let us see." He finished.

"Bless him." I said as we reached the bottom.

Luke grabbed my hand and held it in his, we walked down the hallway and past the kitchen, Luke looked in but didn't speak to anyone. He grabbed the door handle but we was cut off leaving by Beau.

"Luke, April?" He said, Luke let go of my hand and sighed, he looked around the corner.

"What?" He asked.

"Where are you two going?"

"Out for something to eat." He said.

"Oh," Beau said and I looked around to them all and stood there waiting for Luke. "Well, uhm... Can we all come?"

"No." Luke snapped quickly. "It's just us two."

"Fine, what time are you coming home?"

"I don't know, we won't be long." He said leaning on the frame of the door.

"Okay. See you later." Beau said, I couldn't help but notice the two girls just staring at me again, they were probably wondering who I was.

We finally got out and Luke re-grabbed my hand. As I was being pulled along I couldn't help think about them. "Who are those girls, they're here sometimes but I don't even know who they are?" I asked him.

"Just two friends. Alexa and Fie."

"Pretty names." I commented.

"Not as pretty as April." He quickly shot back.

I blushed and couldn't help but smile, "I'm guessing they don't know about us."

He looked back. "No, they don't." He said as we got into the car. "But I've been needing to tell you something."

We sat in the car, Luke started up the engine and I looked at him, waiting for him to continue.

He started to drive and then looked at me then back out of the front window. "It's just I've been thinking, about us." He said. "I mean it's coming up to nearly a year since we have been together and I think it's time we tell the fans." He said quickly, his face relaxed. "Because it's pissing me off how we have to keep it all in."

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