Chapter 40

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*A few weeks later*

I was awoken to Luke shaking me, "April! Wake up we're going to be late!"

I groaned and kicked my legs over the side of the bed and quickly got changed, Luke was already dressed and ready, I quickly shoved my shoes on and didn't care about my hair or makeup. We rushed downstairs at 3am and jumped into the car, Beau quickly drove us to the airport and we thanked him. Hugs and goodbyes would be an understatement with what all of us had been like for the last few days.

"Be safe, I'll miss you both so much!" Beau said as I started crying.

"I'll miss you too." I choked up. "Look after Daniel for us, he's like our baby. He needs looking after." I laughed.

"Make sure to walk him twice a day, he'll chew your shoes up otherwise." Luke laughed along.

"Love you both." Beau said as we had to rush off, Luke and I ran along security and baggage and to our plane doors, we we're ridiculously late.

"I can't believe we overslept." Luke said as we handed in our flight tickets and passports. "I'm happy we can just straight away get on the flight though, not have to sit for hours. One perk of us being late."

We walked down inside the plane and took our seats, Luke kept giving me small pecks on my lips as he spoke between them. "I'm happy you put your lip ring back in."

"Why? It it nice when I lick-"

"Sh!" I shooed him.

"Joking! Why'd you like it?"

"I just do." I shrugged.

He pecked me one last time before leaning back. "New York here we come!"

• • • •

Luke's leg was slightly tapping on the plane floor, his head looking at me while smiling as we listened to acoustic versions of 1975 songs, an earphone in each of our ears. "I love you." He mouthed.

I smiled. "I love you."

We both took our earphones out and Luke shoved the phone back in his pocket. "I was thinking about how our year anniversary is tomorrow. I remember the day I asked you to be my girlfriend."

"Do you?"

"Don't you?"

"I do, just not all the details." I admitted.

"We had just had sex, big suprise there, we was laying in bed and I really wanted to ask you, but I couldn't get the words out," He slightly laughed as if he was replaying the events out in his head. "Then I ended up being a stuttering mess, then I asked."

I smiled as memories of the moment flew back suddenly. "I can't believe it's a year tomorrow."

"This is only the beginning. I plan on many more." He smirked.

"I just mean, so much has happened in that time and we are still here."

"I don't ever want to loose you, I am absolutely, positively and completely in love with you and I don't think I could ever be with someone else."

"Me too." I nodded.

"Could you see us being together forever?"

"Could you?" I asked.

He nod quickly. "Absolutely."

The ends of my mouth slightly upturned and I blushed. "I could too."

"Good, because you're not getting rid of me anytime soon."

"It doesn't feel like it's even been a year." I said. "Times gone way too fast."

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