Chapter 4

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Aprils POV

I had woken up to numerous messages from Luke, saying he wanted to help pay for my ticket to come out as he couldn't wait for one to two months. I denied because I wanted to do this myself. I knew I would feel a reward of working hard and then traveling out there as I wouldn't feel as if I had depended on anyone like the boys or Lindsay.

James and I had planned I would come out very soon and not tell anyone else, he would meet me at the airport and drive me back, we would go back really late, he'd tell everyone but Luke to stay up and he would let the others see me as a surprise before Luke did.

The plan really excited me and I couldn't wait to put into action, I had received a message also from Robin, she had asked if I wanted to go out for some lunch, at the café. It made me laugh that on my day off, I would be spending it as a customer in my own workplace.

I said yes to her, obviously. My body rushed with excitement with the thought of making a new friend here. I knew I couldn't really afford to be going out for lunch, even though it wasn't a lot of money, I had payed for Robins drink and food the first night we met, now for my own lunch today. I really shouldn't be spending anything at all but I wanted this chance of a potential friendship, so I knew I should go.

I slipped my left foot into my shoe and tied the laces up. I walked out and Lindsay was waiting in the car, I jumped inside and turned on the radio. I flipped through Instagram and saw a very beautiful photo of Luke he had posted, I ran my thumb over it and my heart sunk. I couldn't bare being away from him.

It had felt like about a year since I had seen him and that hurt like hell.

"So, who's this girl?" Lindsay asked me.

"Just a girl. I met her at work one night, her names Robin."

"That's good, so is she nice?"

I pursed my lips and nodded. "She's lovely, we've both got a lot in common."

"That's sweet."

"Mhm." I mumbled as we carried on driving. "What's your plans for tonight?"

"Work." She sighed. "But then after, I have a date. Remember that date I had when you came back from America, it's him."

"That was a while back."

"Yeah, he never called me after... But he surprisingly did a few nights ago."

"Well good luck." I said really happy for her, except the fact everyone seemed to be so happy with someone except I couldn't.

"A lot has changed, huh?" She sighed as we drove down a long road. "You know, these past months."

She was right, my mum was now in a unit for her mental health and her drinking problems. It had changed my life, this past year really had. My dad still in his cell but I knew it wasn't long until he was out, my mother locked away getting help and Lindsay and I finally out of that mess and being able to live as a family.

The only bad things that had changed these past months was also, still really thing to recover from what happened to me when I was at my mums and my best friends moving away.

"Yeah, it has."

She cut off the topic from there as we pulled up to the café, I pulled my seat belt off and smiled at her. "Thanks for the ride."

"It's alright, have fun." She smiled as I lent over and hugged her quickly and got out, rushing into the café.

• • • •

I laughed happily with Robin as we spoke about nonsense, "So you and Pete, how's things?" I asked taking a bite of my chicken burger.

She swallowed, "Fine, fine."

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