Chapter 39

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"Ignore her." Nora said as the nurse looked in the room to check on us.

"Isn't it annoying? Having them in here checking on you all the time?"

She nod. "I hate it here."

"Is it really bad?"

"Not that it's bad, it's just I hate being told what to do, they make me eat when they want and take my pills. I can't ever have a second to prepare myself for anything."

"They just want you well, so you can go home." I assured her.

"I know; I wish I was home."

"What's it like at yours?"

"Not great, I just like my room, it's better than this," She said scanning her eyes around the room. "You're lucky that you live with the boys."

"I'm not there at the moment," I spoke. "I'm at a hotel, I've fallen out with Luke."

"Why?" She asked. "What are you and Luke?"

"Long story." I told her.

"Well we've got a while?"

I breathed and prepared myself for the whole life story of Luke and I, I trusted her I thought to myself. "It all started when I moved near them..."

• • • •

Beau was waiting outside for me as I hugged Nora goodbye. "Please come back soon." She asked. I nodded quickly and hugged her again, before leaving her inside the hospital.

I walked out and jumped into the car, he looked gloomy and depressed. "What's the matter?"

"Nothing," He sighed. "Just wish we could go home."

"You can? I'm not stopping you."

"I'm not leaving you in a hotel alone."

"Why? I'll be fine."

"No, I'm not doing it," He exhaled. "Luke's coming to see us tonight."

"What!" I groaned. "Beau, please."

"April you really need to speak."

"He cheated on me, what the hell do I say to him?"

"He didn't." He shot back quickly.

"Stop defending him," I groaned. "He admitted it."

"He lied." Beau sighed. "He lied to you, he didn't cheat."

I slightly laughed. "And why would he make something so fucking awful up like that? Seriously?"

"It was so stupid of him, he knows that. He is more than fully aware. He has a suprise for you, a good one. That's all, he didn't want Alexa spilling to you what it was, so he lied."

"Why? Why would he make up such a horrible lie."

Beau shrugged. "Heat of the moment."

I decided to end the conversation there, I was in a way relieved. If Beau was being serious and Luke had just lied, I was overly happy his lips hadn't been on hers at all and that he hadn't cheated. But I was slightly annoyed he made up such a awful lie when he knows full well what I'm like if something crushes me.

"What time is he coming over?"

"7, I'll be going out."

I sighed. "So he really didn't kiss her?"

"No, I promise."

"Thank fucking God, the only person he is allowed to kiss apart from me is James, them two are basically married." I laughed, Beau joined.

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