Chapter 12

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Aprils POV

The next day I was awoken by Beau. He opened the bedroom door and walked in with some food, Luke was already sitting up and happily took the food from him. I sat myself up and observed what was on the plate.

"Luke. I had to ask you something," Beau said.

"What?" Luke replied.

"The party's still on tonight?" Beau spoke to Luke as he placed my plate on my lap.

"Oh, fuck. I forgot about that," Luke said looking up at Beau. "Alright." He nodded.

"I was wondering if it was still okay to happen. I know Aprils only just got here."

"No, don't let me stop you. It sounds fun." I quickly said. It didn't sound too amusing but they shouldn't be stopped from having fun because of my presence.

"It's starting at around eight. We've invited some people that are in LA at the moment."

Luke nodded again, Beau finally left and it was silent firstly before Luke said. "So, we're having a party here tonight."

I nodded not really needing to reply, the thought of spending my second night here with a bunch of strangers, while they drink and dance made me feel very anxious.

"You going to join in downstairs?" He asked me, I could feel his gaze.

"Mhm." I nodded.

"Okay, good." He said before taking another bite of his food. "We can get really drunk."

I laughed slightly before replying, "I don't know if I'll drink."

"Oh, yes you are. You are drinking with me," He quickly said. "Also do you know what we can do, when we're drunk that we've never done before?"

I looked at him funnily and crossed my head. "No, what?"

"Drunk sex." He emphasised.

I raised an eye brow. "Knowing you, you'll get to drunk to even take off your own shirt, let alone have sex with someone."

"I'll limit myself, I'll get drunk enough to feel it, but sober enough to fuck you."

He really made me laugh the way he honestly doesn't care on what he says to me, the form and words he choses sometimes aren't appropriate but he doesn't give a damn.

A thought quickly rushed in my mind, "Won't some of these guys know were dating?"

He shook his head in response. "No, they don't know. They might guess tonight, but I don't know. They're cool people. Don't worry." He tried to reassure me.

"Alright." I said slightly upset that after nearly a year together, nobody apart from Lindsay, Gina and the rest of the boys knew we were a couple. It was fair enough in the early stages when it wasn't so serious, but it had defiantly become a much more serious relationship. I didn't let it bother me much though, I wasn't up for getting any hate anyway. Luke would probably get more crap though, I mean keeping his girlfriend a secret for a year from them is a big deal.

"Next month would mark our first year anniversary." I said while looking forward at the now turned on TV.

"Really? So this time two months ago, you had just moved near us?" He asked as I nodded. "Who would of thought, three months after you moving we would have been a couple."

"Mhm, I know. It doesn't seem like a year though." I shrugged.

"Because we've been away from each other for half of it."

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