Chapter 24

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Luke's POV

After my phone call with my mum, I rushed over to April who was shoving everything in her case. A flush of panic rushed through my body as I leant down and pulled April back, she pushed me off and turned around. Her eyes were starting to well but she kept her tears in. "Come on, stop." I said to her as she furrowed her face.

"Are you crazy? I need to go home." She said.

"No, please! You can't leave." I said to her my tone seeming desperate, which I was.

"Come with me? You know, your mum could do with one of you home and I'll need you with me too." She said, but I really couldn't leave. Not now, not for a while, our schedule was busy and I couldn't just leave for however long. My face sank, her face stared at mine. Her eyes were scanning my face quickly hoping for the answer she wanted.

"I can't..."

Her lip slightly trembled as she turned back to her case and carried on shoving stuff in, with a little less rush and effort this time. "April..." I said now feeling guilty because of her response.

"No, it's fine. I'll go. I've travelled alone before." She said sternly back.

"But you'll need me when you get back, please don't go, April. It's clearly not safe for you back home, you're better off staying here, with us, where you're safe."

Her hands stopped again and she slowly turned her body to face me. "My auntie, is in hospital because my dad is free. They need me, so does your mum, because you all won't come home for a bit."

"It's not as simple as that, I can't just pack my bags and leave like you! Don't you get that my life is more important and I need to make my fans happy and those I work for? I can't just drop everything to come home now!"

"You're life is more important? What's that supposed to mean?" She clenched.

"No, April. Not like that."

"Exactly like that, just leave me alone I need to pack." She said before turning back around.

"So what, like that, you're going to pack your stuff, book a flight and leave. Remember I need you too, I really do. I mean, who knows when the next time I see you will be?" I said as I felt my shoulders weigh down and my chest sink.

Her body stopped once more and turned again, she placed her palms on each side of my arms and pushed out a small smile. "I need to go home, I will come straight back out here when things have been sorted, I need to let this all sink in first, but I need to go. I'll be back, as soon as I'm back I'll start working to get money to come back."

"Don't be stupid. I'll pay for you to come back when you can, I'm not waiting six months again." I said and all the feelings of emptiness came rushing back as memories flooded back from the times I spent away from April. Now in a moment of seconds it was all about to happen again.

"I'll go and tell Beau, I need a flight booked, he has the laptop." She told me before getting up and leaving the room.

I looked at the messy suitcase in front of me. I slowly leant over and took a few items back out and folded them neatly and placed them back into the case, I pulled out her shirt and hid it in my draws, so if she was serious about leaving and I couldn't persuade her otherwise I could have something of hers, I took my shirt she always wears, folded that and also placed that back in the case.

I sighed an pressed the palms of my hands into my face and leant back, I felt like utter shit in a matter of minutes. Only a short while ago, April and I were laughing and I felt on top of the world, now I felt back at the bottom.

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