Chapter 41

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The next morning, well shall I say afternoon. I awoke in my slumber wrapped in the white bed sheets, I looked beside me and the space was empty. I heard noise come from outside the door and April wandered inside the room with a cup. "Tea." She smiled when she realised I was glancing. "Morning, well afternoon, sleepy."

"Morning." I replied.

"Hold this." She said as she handed me her drink as she climbed back in bed. I took a sip and it was refreshing so I took another one, April slapped my hand away and took the drink of me. "Make your own, you dick." She smirked.

I laughed slightly and looked for the remote beside the bed, then turning the telly on. Arctic Monkeys were on the screen singing a song of theirs on a show, Aprils face lightened up as she mumbled the words to herself. "You like these?"

"How can you not?" She questioned back.

"What's this song called?" I asked, already knowing the answer but I loved seeing her singing the words to herself.

"Don't sit down cause' I've moved your chair."

"It's good."

"Mhm." She smiled before sipping on her drink, her eyes never leaving the screen.

I lay and watched her as more bands swarmed on the TV and April seemed to know most of them and the songs, when we finished watching it April and I decided to go out and grab some lunch and see New York.

As we walked down the busy streets I decided to tweet. 'Good morning New York!' My mentions bombarded with endless amounts of comments from people that lived in this city. Not long after walking we bumped into a few fans, them all recognising April from the photo and saying hello which brought a playful smile to her lips.

We found a place to eat and walked inside, grabbing a table and scanning over the menus. "Oh," April said holding her finger up quickly, digging through her pockets.

She dialled a number and let it ring against her ear, as she waited for whoever it was to answer. She carried on looking at the menu.

"Hello?" She said down the speaker. "Yeah," She laughed. "We are here, just having something to eat... We are fine." As she rambled down the phone and I watched her lips move, many thoughts crossed my mind about Aprils mouth but only one at the moment that I really wanted was to kiss her.

She ended the phone call and explained she had promised to call Beau when we landed but she had forgot. She stopped talking after a while and I grabbed one of her hands and her eyes examined it before looking at me and smiling. "I love you." I told her.

"I love you too."

I slightly pouted my lips out and she slightly lent forward and kissed them, letting it linger for a few moments before letting it lay on my taste as she returned back into her seat.

"Happy one year anniversary." I said to her, her eyes shot towards mine, she must have thought I had forgot. Even thought we had spoken quickly about it on the flight yesterday. Her smile quickly grew as her eyes burned into mine.

"Happy one year anniversary." She repeated me.

We ordered food and chatted and decided to go back to the hotel, I told April I was sorry as I had a few things down in the city I needed to take care of and left her inside the apartment. We planned we didn't want to make a fuss of our anniversary and we would go out for a quiet meal, come back and watch a movie. Not on my watch.

• • • •

Aprils POV

A year. A whole damn year. I thought to myself as I sat alone in the apartment. It had literally been a roller coaster and I couldn't and wouldn't have had it any other way. I loved Luke with everything inside of me and I wouldn't change him for the world. I was happy and content with him now, I thought about the situation with Alexa and Luke where I had been tricked into thinking they had kissed, to be brought to New York. Now I thought about it, it wasn't romantic at all but as I sat here in an apartment in the city my head told me it slightly was. I felt no need to hurt myself or have any upsetting thoughts at this moment in my life, which for the first time in a few years, was new to me.

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