Chapter 9

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My eyes locked on his, he was grinning hugely and I literally started crying at the sight as I laughed but brushed away the tears with my sleeve before I felt myself running towards him.

"James!" I said as he wrapped his arms around me. We were hugging tightly and I literally hadn't felt so happy in months. I knew he was emotional too by the way he was breathing and hugging me.

"Oh my god." He pulled me back, "Oh, April please don't cry."

"I'm sorry," I laughed. "I've just missed you so much and now you're finally here, I'm finally here."

"I know you are! I've missed you so much." He said as I hugged him again, we sighed and then walked back to my suitcase.

As I pulled it along, James took it from me. "You've had a long flight, I bet you're exhausted."

"I am, but excited more than anything." I said but I couldn't stop staring at James, I was here with him and it meant so much.

"I can't believe it's been six and a half months. I want to literally squeeze the fuck out of you." He laughed as did I.

"It's been so long, oh my god I still can't believe you're here." I said poking him in the side.

The grin on my face was literally ear to ear, "How do you think the boys will react?" James asked as we walked out and there was a car waiting for us.

"I have no clue." I said. "How did you get them out of the house this late with no suspicions?"

"I told them I would pick them up some booze." He laughed. "Luke's in bed, asleep to."

James shoved my case in the boot as we walked to the back seats, we got in, I soon realised it was a mini cab.

As we started to drive I remembered some of the sights from last time but we drove another way, so some was new to me.

"So how was that job you had?"

"It was good, when I go home then I'll carry on working." I said as he nodded.

"Fuck." He sighed, still smiling.

"What?" I smirked.

"I just still- like... You're here!" He said happily.

"I know I'm so happy."

"Maybe Luke will stop being a baby now." He chuckled.

"What's he been like?" I asked.

"Firstly he was fine, enjoying himself and having a laugh, then as time went on he became moody and angry with everyone." He sighed. "He hardly comes downstairs unless it's because we either have to go out or to get food, he just sits up there doing God knows what." He shrugged.

"It's my fault, I should have come sooner."

"No, it wasn't. Please don't think its your fault, because it's not."

"Don't you miss any of your family?" I asked him as he looked down at his lap.


"Gina says hi, she loves you. She didn't say anything about your mum or anything though." I said as he looked at me.

"Well your here aren't you? Your like one of my best friend's so I guess it's alright, I'll have to cope with you." He smiled while rolling his eyes.

"Shut up you love me really," I said punching his arm playfully. "At least you're excited to see me." I chuckled as we drove down the long roads of LA, the lights shining through the windows of the car, knowing James was beside me and I was soon to be reunited with them all made me the happiest I could be.

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