Chapter 6

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Aprils POV

Lindsay and I sat on my bed, a film in the background and numerous amounts of different variety of sweets and popcorn, she wanted to keep me company tonight and relax.

We also had my laptop and was scrolling down a website that sold plane tickets, I was slightly more excited without my bad thoughts in my mind, which was a relief.

"So how long do you want to stay here before you leave?" She asked as I looked at the screen and away from the TV. "There's one leaving in two days, one week, two weeks or a month?" She said looking at me.

"I do not want to leave in two days." I said, mainly because I would have to start packing and preparing now. "Two weeks and a month is too long away."

"So the week one?" She asked as I thought for a moment, before nodding.

"Right." She said while clicking around and then entering all my details as the money I worked hard for all went on this ticket. "All done." She said as she hugged me as she could see I was now nervous.

"I'm so scared." I shook.

"I know you are, you are overthinking. Once you see them, you'll feel so much better April."

It then suddenly sunk in a week from now I would be with them all, in America one of the most amazing places I had ever been too and it did make me smile.

"Maybe you should call one of them." She said, I quickly explained to her mine and James plan to her so she wouldn't slip up to any of the others, before she laughed and I got my phone.

I dialled James' name and held it up to my ear, the rings dragging out.

• • • •

James POV

My phone vibrated beside me as we all sat around in the living room, Aprils name shone on my phone as I smiled and swiped it open.

"Hello, April." I sung as she laughed, but I noticed Luke eyeing me along with all the other boys. "One second." I told her as I got up and walked outside.

Once out I continued. "Sorry, hello."

"Hi, how are you?" She asked as I sat down.

"I'm good, you?" I muffled.

"I'm good." She said but her tone said otherwise. "I just wanted to ask you something."

"Yeah, sure?"

She coughed slightly, "Well I was wondering if coming to LA, in a week was okay?"

I felt myself becoming extremely happy and excited, "What? Are you kidding! That's amazing, it's fine, honestly. I can't wait!"

She slightly laughed. "Okay. Well I'll see you next week then!"

"Oh my god, Luke was moaning last night saying how you said you couldn't come for a month or so- he's going to be so excited!" I told her.

"Yes- but James, we are going to do that plan aren't we?" She reminded me.

"Oh fuck, yes. I forgot sorry, we should do the plan. Right well, keep me updated and stuff and I will see you very soon!"

"You too, I can't wait. Bye James."

"Bye, April!" I said still overly happy.

After the phone call I went back in, wiping the smile off my face to stop it being obvious.

"What did she want?" Beau asked.

"She was just seeing how we all are." I said as he nodded.

"Why wouldn't she ask me then, why you?" Luke spat, his mood darkening again.

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