Chapter 22

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I literally had to keep my cool for the rest of the conversation, which didn't stop Alexa from making digs at me. They become bored and said they'd come back later as they couldn't bother to wait anymore so they got up.

"Well, tell them all to not waste my time next time." Alexa laughed slightly and smiled

"Sure." I said back as she left the house and walked down the road.

Fie scooted past me and turned around and Alexa sat in the car. "Bye, it was really nice meeting you." She said.

"You too." I said back bluntly.

"Can I just say too, sorry for Alexa. When she said all the boys said about you was that you're nothing special, she lied. They all said amazing things about you, sorry."

Her unexpected kindness took me back, she was actually telling me something nice and spilling her friends lies to me. "Thanks, it was lovely meeting you. See you soon."

She waved and run off to the car and drove off, I watched as they turned around the corner and I sighed, that was one of the worst hours of my life.

Just as I went to walk back in, another car was heard. I turned around and the boys car was driving down into the house, a huge grin formed on my face as Beaus body popped up out of the sun roof.

"April, why don't a bad bitch like you wanna come for a ride, with a bad bitch like me?" He said in a typical New Yorker accent.

"Maybe another time." I said in the same accent back, he laughed and ducked back inside the car and not before long they were all walking down to the door.

They all came rushing into the house and Luke stopped and kissed my cheek before also walking inside, I closed the door and walked into the kitchen where they all was.

Luke and James were having their own little conversation on the side and was looking at something on James' phone. Beau, Jai and Daniel had already started making cereal which they seemed to live on. I sat down on one of the stools and watched them do so.

"So, how's your day been?" Beau asked me as I looked up.

"Shit." I told him honestly, it hadn't been shit at the beginning but it had turned that way since them two came over.

"And why's that?" He asked turning an eyebrow up.

"Alexa and Fie came over," I said as his head shook.

"They're not bad people April- well one anyway." He said then he turned and laughed to Jai.

"No, it's just Alexa told me something nice today."

"Alexa? Something nice. Are you sure?" He grinned.

"Yeah, something really nice." I said but it was obvious sarcasm coming from my mouth.

"Oh yeah? What then?" Beau said but just as I was about to spill all details about Alexa basically liking Luke and trying it on with him, I spared myself any judgment of stupid jealously and the basis of making Luke feel like shit in front of everyone.

I scooted around on my chair and turned to Luke. "Luke, can I speak to you upstairs?" I asked as he lifted his head up and nodded, a clear expression of confusion on his face.

I got up and we started to walk before I heard Beau. "April?" He said and I turned around. "What was it then?"

"Oh-" I said shaking my head. "Nothing, I'll tell you later." I said as he looked really confused but slightly laughed and shrugged.

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