Chapter 34

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"They said you could come over." I told Nora as I read my message from James.

"Really?" She said, she seemed as if it was too good to be true.

"Yeah." I gleamed a smile. "They can't wait to meet you."

"Oh my god, I need to lay down on the floor and just cry for a moment." She laughed.

After waiting around for almost half an hour Beau pulled up and apologised for being late. Nora and I climbed in the car and Beau looked back and smiled at her, she sent him one too her eyes glinting up. "This is Nora." I told him.

"Nice to meet you." He said as we started to drive.

"I- uhm, I am your like biggest fan." She said nervously.

The conversation carried on until we reached home and all of us went inside to see Daniel in the kitchen with a bright pink apron on cooking. "Wow, Daniel. Cooking? Never thought I'd see the day." I joked.

"I know I look sexy April. No need to point the obvious." He said before turning around to reveal the cartoon print of a woman's boobs on the front. "My boobs are big too."

"Bigger than mine." I said.

"They're very juicy." He laughed. "Mine, not yours, wait- not that yours aren't juicy- because I can't say that, they are, because you're not, you know."

We all laughed at Daniel as he tried to construct a sentence, I took Nora around the rest of the house and I introduced her to the rest of the boys, minus Luke. Who I couldn't find.

Nora and I sat outside on the chairs as Daniel resumed cooking inside. "So, what's it like living with them?"

"Fun, really fun."

"You live every girls dream, I hope you know that."

"I do." I smiled at her.

"So, do you want to talk more about our story's? You know, I think we should know about each other now we're friends." Nora suggested and I nodded.

"Why did you get bullied?" I asked.

She shrugged. "Easy target."

"Do you have no other friends?"

"No, you're the first one to accept my offering." She chuckled. "You?"

"The boys, you, my friend Robin from work and my friend Maisy, but I don't see her much."

She nodded. "So, what's happening with your parents at the moment?"

"My dads out, I don't know what the police are doing. As for my mum, God knows. I just hope she's suffering somewhere."

"What was it all like? You know, the beatings and things?"

"Horrible." I dryly laughed. "Especially when the mans ten times bigger and stronger than you. I still am baffled I'm alive today."

We chatted amongst ourselves for the rest of the night and told each other every detail of our lives, she told me many story's about the hospital she lives in and how she can't wait to get out. She also asked me to visit her there this week and I agreed, we literally expressed everything. Which was unusual for me as I'm not used to telling literally everything about myself to someone I really only just met.

Dinner was finished and we were driving Nora home, well not home, home. She hadn't met Luke but she didn't seem to mind. When we dropped her off she said she would walk herself up there as they would moan at her for not meeting her nurse outside the therapy doors. After a million thank you's and goodbyes. She left and Beau and I drove home.

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