Chapter 50

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I sat opposite Maisy in the café the next day with Luke's hand slightly resting on my knee under the table. "So, Maisy," Luke started. "How long have you known April?"

"Years." Maisy smiled at me. "Too long." She added a laugh on the end. Luke nodded and continued eating his food.

"So what's the plan today?" I asked the two.

"I was going to see if you wanted to come and see Nonna and Nonno with me?" Luke asked. I nodded quickly and then looked back to Maisy.

"I was going to ask if you wanted to come shopping. But if not, I'll see you after."

"Oh! Sorry, uhm..." I said looking between them both.

"Honestly, A, it's fine. Go with Luke. I've got some stuff I can sort out whilst you go."

"I feel bad," I sighed. "Are you sure?" She nod quickly with a smile.

"April!" I heard a voice behind me. I turned around and smiled at the sight of Edna approaching. "Hello!"

"Hi, Edna." I smiled.

"How are you?"

"I'm really good. You?" I replied.

"I'm good. How's Linds?"

"Better, thank you. How's the shop been?"

"The usual. I can say it's quiet here without you. Robin is an excellent worker though."

"Is she not in today? Out back or anything. I missed her."

"'No. She's off today. I'm sure she will pop in tomorrow if you pass through."

"I'll defiantly try and run in if I can."

"Sounds good. When are you thinking about coming back? No pressure. I know you have only just got back from America."

"Well I can-"

"We might be going back to America, so she will let you know."

Confusion struck my mind as soon as the words fell out of Luke's mouth. Edna smiled. "Wow! Well let me know, April, really nice to see you." She said before walking away.

"What? Back to America? I thought I was staying here?"

"Change of plans, maybe."

"What?" I laughed in annoyance. "You knew I didn't want to leave America. You dragged me home, now I'm happy to be here you're thinking about trying to make me go back."

"Not yet, April."

"Well when?"

"End of next week, sometime."

I was in utter shock. Luke had made me come back home to Australia knowing how much I didn't want to, then now I was back and actually enjoying myself he was trying to now say we was going back. "Next week?!"

"Why are you annoyed?" He asked I could see Maisy feeling uncomfortable from the other side of the table.

"You knew I didn't want to leave America. You knew. The boys didn't want me to go either, they practically only came back because they didn't want me leaving. Nobody thought it was a good idea. Now you're saying just when we get back you're ready to set off again!"

"Exactly you loved LA, so I don't see why this is a fuss."

"Because you decide to bring it up now? To my boss too? Did you not think about telling me. We've only just got home. Knowing full well you was coming back here for at least a few months not a few days."

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