Chapter 27

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Pulling myself out of bed the next day was hard. I felt absolutely sleep deprived because of the time zone difference and because I had been up all night contemplating what to do with Luke and I. I didn't know what on earth to do, I felt as if our argument was so stupid but being together may drive me literally insane due to being apart for a period of time which wasn't even known how long it may be.

I decided to have an early start and try to get most of what was needed to be done by today. Firstly I sat on the sofa in my absolutely trashed living room and called Edna.

She didn't answer a few times so I decided to call her office at the café. It rang and rang before thankfully she answered.

"Hello, Edna speaking. How may I help?"

"Hi, Edna, it's April."

"Oh? April! How lovely to hear from you! How's America treating you?" She exclaimed.

"I'm home now." I replied.

"Really? I thought you was staying out there for a few months?" She asked.

I hummed, "Yeah I had a change of plan," I said as I felt my chest tighten up. "But I was wondering if my job space was free still? I could really use it."

"I already told you before you left, April. The space will be open for you when you come home."

"Thank, God. Oh, thank you so much. When can I come back?" I asked.

"As soon as you like, April. We're all full today. You can start back on your old timetable tomorrow." She replied.

I sighed with relief. "Thank you, I'll see you tomorrow."

"Okay, April. See you tomorrow." She said back before hanging up.

The relief of having a job to come home to washed over my body. I felt slightly happier now, I did need to leave this house though. I couldn't stay in all day and look at this mess.

I quickly showered, got changed and what not and left the house. Walking down the streets of home was kind of odd at first as I had just started getting used to it out in LA. I kept thinking about what they were all up too now. I really did regret coming back now, but at the same, I didn't.

The warmth was nice today, I felt as if hopefully today may be a good one. I walked and walked until I found myself outside a familiar house, in which I had missed a lot.

I knocked on the door and waited for a moment, hoping that she was in. I heard the chain being untangled from the other side as the door opened. "April?" Gina said, her eyes widening quickly and she threw the door open and slung her arms around me. "Oh my God, I wasn't expecting you to come back this quick, come in, come in." I smiled automatically, it was literally such a good feeling seeing her. Since Lindsay had told me she was having a rough time due to feeling alone without the boys, I felt this may benefit us both by me coming back. "I honestly can't believe you're back now. I thought you would have booked a later flight. I wasn't even sure if you really meant that you was coming home." She said as she walked down the hallway in front of me, as we walked into the kitchen. She rushed to the kettle and flicked the switch, "Please sit down, I'll make us a coffee." She said as I smiled and sat down.

"So, how are you?" She asked, as she fumbled around the kitchen with cups and coffee granules, she seemed to be rather happy.

"I'm good." I lied."How have you been?"

"H'm, here, there and everywhere if I'm honest." She huffed. "I've just had a lot going on."

"Sorry to hear." I said, feeling absolutely guilty.

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